I want to get into playing it, but it's all so complicated, anyone have any tips for new players?
Yep. I really like it. Happy to play with Bnet people if anyone is interested. ID: burritosenior But yeah. Very fun game. Just stick to your role. If you're melee, go to a side lane. If you're a support, go to a side line. If you're a carry, figure out with your team which lane to go. If you're support, buy a courier before the game starts and update him to flying courier ASAP. If you're support, let the other person get all the last hits possible. If you're ranged, harass the enemies by pecking them with small-damage attacks whenever possible. And no matter who you are, click the arrow at the top left of the screen and check out player guides for your hero. Choose one of them and it'll recommend a build and items to buy, and the better ones will describe how to use your abilities efficiently. Very useful.