(Before I get the exposition, I must say that is is my first attempt at a realistic roleplay. Sure, I will be adding in my own creative twists, but I'll try to keep those realistic as well best I can. and yes I AM using spoilers to make the thread seem shorter, Alright, now to the fun stuff)
Date: August 30th, 1944
Time: 5:54 AM local time
Location: French-German Border, 143 miles south of the border to Luxembourg.
[spoiler]Following the end of most of the fighting in first World War in 1918, The late Theodore Roosevelt made a case to United States President Woodrow Wilson, expressing the possibility of Germany recovering from it's post war state. After which Wilson explains things like his proposed League of Nations and a peace treaty to officially end the war.
However, Roosevelt makes it quite clear that he has concerns of Germany sinking into economic depression and the possibility of the emergence of a warmongering dictatorial power rising from it's ashes, citing the french revolution as an example. Roosevelt, with the assumption that Wilson wouldn't likely agree with any preventative measures, insisted that the United States begin updating itself militarily and technologically should such a threat occur and attempt to invade the US, writing a fairly large paper explaining everything and giving it to the President
Despite this, Wilson went on with his plans and shoved Teddy's papers in a drawer somewhere.
Going to 1928, Herbert Hoover lost the presidential election by a extremely slim margin, His rival, Alfred E. Smith, winning instead despite divisions in the democratic party. Shortly after inauguration Smith rifled through some of the stuff in the White House and came across Theodore Roosevelt's papers. Found the findings compelling and after a conversation with his cabinet decided to get to it within 1 year .
When the economy tanked in 1929, the first phase of the Military Advancement Project was ready to kick off, those who became jobless and homeless were offered jobs in building and supplying the new arms and armor of the US military forces.
By 1931, United States soldiers were clad head to toe in plates of steel and titanium armor, jeeps and trucks replaced horses entirely, and automatic weapons were in the works for standard infantry use. However, military spending had, predictably, skyrocketed as a result of the project and without a war to fight and citing isolationist policies, the citizenry gave much criticism to the program.
In January 1933, Adolf h1tl3r (I don't want any censorship ok?) was elected Chancellor of the Wiemar Republic, and alongside his various other goals, Adolf initiated a military advancement program of his own, independently of America's project before them.
Jumping to 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt caught wind of Germany's conquering and similar advancement project. Believing that a perpetual war with Germany may occur, FDR proposed an extremely ambitious, and honestly crazy sounding plan. FDR was extremely vague about the plan but, whatever that plan was, FDR knew it was crazy, and he knew of one old man who could make crazy happen......Nikola Tesla.
Tesla, now a crazed man in his mid 70s, was tasked by FDR himself to draw up schematics for "Electrically powered infantry armor to drastically increase a soldiers strength and fighting ability". Tesla was offered a crap ton of money for his involvement and research, to which, Tesla agreed under the condition that a civilian model be made for use in places like construction and cargo shipping.
After many prototypes and much testing, in 1937, the M1 Powered Infantry Armor was finally finished and ready for ingratiation into the armed forces. The M1 was capable of boosting a soldier's strength and fighting prowess by on average of 500%, had a robust ventilation system and had layered armor topped off with titanium plates that rendered a 9mm round basically useless. However, it also weighed about 400 pounds, was somewhat bulky, and consumed it's two tanks of diesel fuel in about 6 hours.
While no M1 ever saw combat, the much improved M2 model first made in Spring 1939 and those who wore it were among the first to see combat, On December 7th 1941, the Japanese pulled a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. This time however, despite the damage done to several vessels, the attack was considered a failure, but still prompted the US to go to war.
Stories of M2s tearing through entire entire platoons of enemy men spread 'cross the world like wildfire, the Japanese called them "Walking Thunder" and "Iron Beasts". Although most of these stories are heavily exaggerated, the M2 was still a game changer, The other allies started building their own power armors, hell, Free France made a name for themselves with their own power armor, The Des légions d'infanterie mécanisée as they were called were a powerful and respected force on the European front.
However, then 1943 rolled around, Germany pumped out it's latest in mad science experiments, predictably, it was power armor. Germany's own power armor was huge in comparison, in some aspects bordering the lines between Power armor and Mech. The armor was thick and hard to punch through, taking one down actually got you a medal. But, there was two problems, the fuel tanks were made large so the soldier could go for longer on the field, but weren't armored very well. Second, shooting the ventilation on the back was a lot easier because German armor weighed on average about 1000 pounds, so it was a tad slow.
That brings us here, 1944, the Germans put out a new armor that fixed most of the issues of the original and weigh about half as much, but the Allies got to tinkering with some experimental weapons, like the Germans have done before, some things like, oh, missile launchers, microwave bombs and something about a MASER....
That ends the backstory I spend 4 HOURS TYPING if you read it....enjoy
It's been 5 days since we landed in Normandy, but indeed of heading deeper into Occupied France like most of everyone was seemingly doing, My ragtag platoon of mostly Americans, Canadians and Frenchmen from all different divisions and companies are heading out to Germany, we're gonna pull ourselves a little stunt when we got to Bonn we were gonna plant explosives around the munition plants and the Power armor plant and light the fireworks at midnight.
However, our convoys were attacked on the French-German Border, stuck in a border town, I can already hear the tracks of Panzers and the clanking of metal armor, not to say our own armor doesn't clank, but at least they try to solve the issue. could use a coke with my buddies but, I'll hold it, here they come.
*2 companies of Germans can be heard marching towards the town, with tanks and armored men in tow*
- NO non-period technology, magic, or anything else that would throw off the semi-realism, so no instant revives/instant deaths, invincibility, or anything else like that even mighty power armor has limits
- Stay in character unless you absolutely need to break out of it, if so, use parentheses or brackets to state anything out of character
- Follow Bungie.net rules
- As to keep with the immersion, if you are RPing as a person in a faction who's native language is not english, I suggesting using a translator to first do something like this -
Je les ai trouvés, ils sont sur la colline
(I found them, they're up on the hill)
Native faction language goes above, English translation in parentheses below it.
It is not required, but it is recommended for sake of immersion and realism
- Any and all guns, grenades, etc. from and made during World War II is acceptable, we well as some new, fictional equipment.
- The Americans have for example, an assault rifle variant of the M1 Garand Known as the M1A2, it carries the .30-06 round and fires full auto, semi-auto or 3 round bursts, as well as a BAR designed for use by power armored troops that fires .50 BMG rounds (damn), but only holds about 12 rounds and is quite heavy, however, M2 troops have been known to use the M2 Machine Gun by ripping it off it's tripod it has and welding a handle to it so i can be used like the minigun in TF2 with little effort.
Alright, we got enemies coming from the east, they'll be here any minute, get into position men, I have a feeling this is gong to be some fight, for those of you in power armor, power up, and everyone, let's go.
I'll lay down a couple mines in the road, that should give them a surprise *lays landmines carefully on the nearest road*