Your political debates are meaningless and only cause more trouble then there should be.
To be honest I didn't want to make this thread, I really didn't. But I feel that a few things need to be addressed.
I hope I'm not the only one, I hope I'm not the only one who isn't sick and tired of this pointless political bickering. Now I understand debates and the inevitability of arguing and fighting, but when HALF THE GODDAMN FORUM is filled with political and ideological trash talk and banter, and NO ONE doing something about it just infuriates me.
I really liked it when the Flood did not allow any sort of political threads, it wasn't the best idea but it made sure that the forum wasn't infested with the kind of garbage that plagues it today. Ninjas, if you're reading this, I suggest you talk to Bungie about reinstating or reenforcing the old rules on political threads.
Civil debates are inevitable and I don't really mind them, but when it devolves into nothing more than "HURR DEMOCRATS BAD" or "DURR REPUBLICANS BAD" it simply just gets to me. Yes I know it's more complicated then that but that's about all I really get off of it.
And what difference i there anyway? I'm sue both parties are just puppets of corporate powers and lobbyists who pay for the candidates.
Just for the love of humanity and all things on this planet and in the stars, STAHP, just...just STOP, you aren't accomplishing anything buy trash talking those who differ from you ideologically. Also, of all the attack threads, all of them are so one sided, never considering the good parts of the other side.
You want to know what you people who post things like "Dear Republicans" or "Dear Liberals" or any of these attack threads look like to me, you look like a bunch of monkeys fighting for my entertainment when the other spectators jumped into the pit, entertaining yes, but frustrating nonetheless.
I know exactly what 99% you are going to do you're going to trash me, trash this thread, throw out insults in hopes I will back down, but I swear to you I shalt not.
For the 1% of you who sympathize with me, I don't want this to be just I rant thread, we need to get something DONE about this mess. Send a message to Recon Number 54, Doc, whomever and advocate a change and enforcement of policy regarding political topics.
Please, before you spew your garbage, think for a second, Am I doing anything to benefit myself or others? Are my opinions worth sharing? Can I responsibly handle criticism and responsibly debate with people that disagree with my stance?
*sigh* I don't want to rant anymore, please, I don't want to do this again.
[spoiler]I need a hug[/spoiler]
You're right. Let's go back to "Superman vs Master Chief" threads. Those were much more worthy of discussion value.