originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
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I will be hosting another game night, a bit earlier than usual so that a few british people can join. Time: 6 PM EST. If you'd like to join, leave your gamertag here, or send me a msg on xbox live on July 3. My gamertag is Xplodingpiglets. I've been creating a few new maps for Reach, but if you have any great gametypes, let me know.
1. EC 437
2. imailu2heaven
3. divine thunder 2
4. plasma eagle
5. darthwizzrobe2
6. thezealeffect
7. bloodylaser
8. Jgarcia177
9. Mr Senpai
10. TubbierPAinter
11. The smiths01
12. RedundantZombie
13. Danny8849
14. Rob 7T
15. legendaryxbox13
I'm in gamertag is caley boi