So the whole server was playing on Indar, I was on team NC.
We were dominating over half the map, and were steamrolling through every territory in our way, [i]until...[/i]
...we arrived at the Quartz Ridge Camp.
It was literally digitally hell on Earth, or whatever planet it is.
The goddamn push through the flat desert part before the uphill shitstorm.
After struggling for over an hour to get to the front gate, we pushed ourselves inside (giggity) the base and managed to lower the shields of the gate, while nearly capturing the whole territory for us, [i]when suddenly...[/i]
...the enemy team got major reinforcements, and we were pushed back down the hill, through the flat desert part where we made our last stand before the enemy could reach our territory.
This was sadly the part where my game crashed and I realized I had been playing for 8 hours straight.
Got any stories to share from Planetside 2? Go ahead.
Did I tell you about the time where a lone Reaver destroyed half a squad of Vanu air power in a single encounter? It was solely due to the pure talent of that pilot and totally not any dumb luck I assure you. Waterson Vanu is truly home to only the most able pilots. Honestly though, I'm a bit at odds with Planetside and how SOE is handling it right now. I love the game's base combat mechanics but I can't stand the way bases are captured and the complete lack of a goal beyond kill as many dudes as possible. More importantly the game has been in this state for close to a year now so I've switched to playing casually until an actual gameplay update comes out.