Out of those, cod, but I prefer battlefields where crouch is on the right thumbstick.
CoD Halo controls never worked the way that felt 'right', especially before Halo 4. At least they gave a decent option for ADS.
The controls are pictured above.
In my opinion, just switch the R1/L1 and R2/L2 controls (vertically), which would make it CoD, but the controls should also be custom.
cod thear better and easer for new players
I want call of duty controls because I'm use to it and its better
I think you will be able to choose what controls you want to use.
It will be cod controls moreconsole did a commentary for the ps4 controller
I think Destiny should have Destiny controls.
CoD controls > Halo controls But, I would much rather that all controls be programmable instead of preset.
Bumper Jumper Master Race!
Probably call of duty. I think I just got used to clicking the joystick to zoom Id imagine it would be a nightmare for newcomers to Halo to get used to.
For a game like Destiny, CoD controls.
Halo 2 Boxer, I pray it is a choice
I must say i really like the cod controls for a really fast and action packed gam, but for a game like destiny, where it isn't just about shooting running and stuff , i kinda prefer the halo controls,... Best thing would be customisable options and controls
i like call of duty controls better