I have the extra 1600, it's just that I also really want The Walking Dead.
T4R Is it worth it?
Not anymore now that they removed the Co-Op completely from their plans. I'd just wait until it's 10 bucks. It's worth that.
My friends with the full game highly recommend it. If I had the money I'd get it in a second.
I say no. Wasn't good enough for me to spend 1600 mp on ..
It's basically gta with zombies and single player.
Every penny
I got bored of state of decay... I feel like I'm constantly doing the exact same thing.
I think that, as it is, it is a good game. Probably worth it. Hopefully it will get better, but I don't know how that's going to go down.
If you like games that focus more on story, get The Walking Dead. If you like games that focus on survival, and exploration get Sate of Decay.
I find it to be worth it. While multiplayer won't be patched in later despite what was said previously, we should be expecting sandbox mode. Also, some people on the game's forums noticed a debug menu being used during a live stream of the game. There's quite a bit of rallying for it to be made available to players. It would essentially be a cheat mode, which allows us to spawn enemies, weapons, etc. To make it fair to normal play, use of it would disable leaderboards. Now, if [i]that[/i] is patched in alongside sandbox mode, I'd have to say that it'd be a no-brainer to grab the game. Otherwise, you still have my vote. It's fun.
Trial it!
I love the game, is super addictive. Minor bugs but are easily fixed.