This thread is inspired by another: view original post
So basically my son decided to be a huge pussy and dropped out of college that we paid for just so he could come home and work as a janitor. I told him that he had until memorial day to take care of his shit or else it would be thrown out. Come memorial day and what do I see in his room? A -blam!-ing box, so I did what any mother would do...
I went through it and found this shirt I would always see him wearing, a shirt I hated. Every time he wore this shirt it would disgust me. I wish I could be like all the other parents and have cool kids but no I get stuck with the nerdy kids. So I decided to help him out by getting rid of this shirt, doing so would boost his looks and his confidence and maybe even help him get a girl friend.
Hopefully one day he will understand and even thank me for helping him in his time of need.
Lol that goes perfectly with your name
You should -blam!- him. Lolwut
you will only inspire him to hate you more. Positive reinforcement is the key. make him earn it back.
Wish my mom was this cool
So, what was the shirt.
"I wish I could be like all the other parents and have cool kids but no I get stuck with the nerdy kids" 10/10 #TYBMOM
Didn't somebody already do a parody thread of that thread? Lol.
[quote]I wish I could be like all the other parents and have cool kids but no I get stuck with the nerdy kids.[/quote]Damn.
I have nerdy shirts.. I know what the ladies like..
In this particular box, have you also uncovered pornographic content?
Shame on you