You'll see me on around 5am to 9am and then somewhere after 9pm to about 2am at the latest.
I'll be playing when awake, sleeping and when I'm in heaven
I'm going to stop sleeping so I can play more. I may quit working too. Or I'll be fired for sleeping at my desk. Either one.
Whenever I'm not at work and not fighting off my kids and wife.
A lot. The only game ill l Play for at least 2 months.
Every waking moment of every day. Even when I'm not physically playing it I will be playing it in my head.
Honestly? Every waking moment I have between work, school, and friends outside of the SexBacks Juan community
Every weekend!!! :) :P
Whenever possible.I can see myself playing bf4, The Division and Destiny throughout 2014 and beyond.