To get myself back into Halo 4 I jumped into action sack and played Rocket + Rail and Fiesta while avoiding mini slayer thinking it was a smaller score game. (No fun in that)
One I got forced to play it I was plesently surprised at the sight of 6 inch Spartans running around with normal sized weaposn, I actually Laughed out loud at the sight of it.
Then I realised 343 got a bug, embraced the random event and made it into it's own gametype which is pretty dam fun to play.
How are people seriously hating this game? It's great fun.
I think they got the idea of mini slayer from another gametype. I played a game type that had mini spartans before in custom games. Also, Halo 4 is fun, but 343i took too long to fix the game so now the population is down.