To get myself back into Halo 4 I jumped into action sack and played Rocket + Rail and Fiesta while avoiding mini slayer thinking it was a smaller score game. (No fun in that)
One I got forced to play it I was plesently surprised at the sight of 6 inch Spartans running around with normal sized weaposn, I actually Laughed out loud at the sight of it.
Then I realised 343 got a bug, embraced the random event and made it into it's own gametype which is pretty dam fun to play.
How are people seriously hating this game? It's great fun.
Edited by Sean: 7/10/2013 12:12:12 AMPeople were making those mini gametypes long before 343 added it into a playlist, even though it was a bit buggy (assassination animations would freeze the characters), but it hardly is new.