[quote]Top 5 Next Gen games of E3 2013 - Brought to you by Dgaf
5. Sunset Overdrive : Insomniac Games : Xbox One
This game in particular will fit the "Crazy Arcade Action" area of my gaming addiction quite nicely. There will be a Single Player flavor of the game that can be played offline, but the option that has me salivating is the ever-expanding multiplayer. As described by Ted Price, the main face of Insomniac, the multiplayer world can change on a day to day basis; Buildings being decimated, enemy types fighting for, winning, and losing territories, etc. As well, players have the potential to constantly drop in/out of your game, aiding you in the antics of this vibrant world. Here's the trailer; http://youtu.be/FqJdZQPBDF0
4. Dying Light : Techland : Playstation 4/Xbox One/ PC/ PS3/Xbox360
Every platform needs a little Zombie action, right? This title will aim for a seamless meld of Action, Adventure, Co-op and Zombies. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? With minimal details on the game, here's what I've been able to gather - Next Gen Multiplayer Mechanics of running into others on the fly; No need to party up before skirmishes for precious recourses or safehouses. Day/Night Cycles, giving the game a Living World feel, a la GTA. Customizable weapons... this could be something like Dead Rising or Dead Island. Hopefully nothing too ridiculous, but some fun customizations could make for entertaining gameplay and scavenging. Trailer; http://youtu.be/9IM3YE0BZuo
3. Super Smash Bros U : Namco Bandai Games/Sora Ltd. : Wii U
I honestly do not know where to start with this one. Many an hour have been spent in the world of Super Smash, duking it out with close friends via Nintendo all stars. The newest characters introduced (The Villager from Animal Crossing, Trainer from Wii Fit, and Megaman from MotherFlippin MEGAMAN) are worthy of hype, and the tweaks to existing characters already show promise. One to point out is the overhaul of Pit. What was once a shell of a character consisting of relatively weak/easily spammed moves seems to have been fleshed out with some heavy hitters. While Brawl was fun, it never lived up to the utter thrill of the previous iteration, Melee. Hopefully Super Smash Bros U will be the game I've been hoping for. Trailer for both Wii U and 3DS editions: http://youtu.be/xvudMu-5kIU [P.S. - I can't wait to beat James' Starfox with my Falco again.]
2. The Order: 1886 - Ready At Dawn/Santa Monica Studio - Playstation 4
Quenching your Steampunk thirst since 1886. "All weapons and tech will be based on things available during that time period" is the statement that perked my ears. While the enemies are shrouded in mist, one can only assume they'll be some sort of Werewolf type demon roaming the streets, searching for your blood. The game is setting up an interesting world, giving potential to some amazing gameplay and story. For now, not much is known of this game. The trailer, though, definitely gets me hyped: http://youtu.be/2FK8dgzW0o8
1. The Division : Ubisoft : Xbox One/Playstation 4
Tom Clancy games, admittedly, are not my forte. In the past, I've played through Ghost Recon, Rainbow 6, and Splinter Cell. Each game had their own flavor of gun toting hero, going from Future Soldier to Current Soldier to Spy. I know there are other games brought to the table by the Clancy series, but none of them have had me anywhere near as interested as The Division. The genre in question happens to be a 3rd person shooter Open-World RPG set in Manhattan after a Viral outbreak, decimating the population. The User Interface looks brilliant and intuitive, from a watch mounted holographic scroll to a world map that projects completely around your player. The graphics are purely next gen - bullets leaving holes in thinner material, creating light beams that actually make sense. One instance that made my jaw drop was steam coming from a manhole, interacting with the flashing Emergency Lights of an abandoned vehicle. I've yet to see any game create steam or smoke so realistic, and the lighting effects are something that games haven't been able to pull off well. The small details of closing car doors while using vehicles for cover, or the heavily realistic sounds of bullets hitting flesh are worth fawning over. This game will immerse players into a gritty world dominated by plague, and keep us entertained for years to come. Trailer: http://youtu.be/njfj6KwEAfg[/quote]
Hoping to do more of these, as well as general gaming stuff on the blog. <3
>no watch_dogs >wat