Credit was given to those that pointed something out to me. Thanks for all the help!
[i]Be aware that this is an ever growing wall of text and is only intended for those that "give a damn" and do not have eyes that water easily from staring at too much info.[/i] [b]Be afraid![/b] :)
[b]Open World?[/b]
• In Gamespot's Jow Staten interview, Joe says, "All that stuff, if you ran out there, it's just all playable terrain." Starts at 1:18 linked here [url][/url] (thanks to Swift Omnium)
• One of the most interesting revelations to me was that Glimmer seems to be a crafting material or money and not an enemy race. It seems to cost Glimmer to upgrade through the Heavy Weapons Path as seen in the many stills below.
• Glimmer does drop on the floor and appears in the form of a blue gem simliar to how we saw them in previous Bungie "postcards". Glimmer seen here dropping en masse from the dying boss. [url][/url]
• Glimmer, weapon kits, and talent points all needed to level through the Heavy Weapons path. Not sure if weapon kits are found, made, or both. Not sure if talent points are gained per level as we are used to or if Bungie has a new way of handing them out.
[b]Loot Distribution[/b]
• When watching the live feed after the first Fallen boss kill, The Warlock only saw his own loot and there was no rolling for anything. So it appears to be a system where everyone gets their own loot. Nothing is known about whether you could trade it to your friend yet.
[b]Multi-layered Skybox[/b]
• Nice to see some of the Tech in the opening moments of the live feed. If you watch the clouds in the background you can see that some clouds are moving and different speeds. Looked phenomenal! [url][/url]
[b]Props to the Folks working on the foliage. I just love how everything seems to move independently and not in a way that makes my eyes bleed. Just looks incredibly natural.[/b] (To me anyways)
• Officially no details to confirm on this yet. Still not ready to talk about it.
[b]Named Boss[/b] - Possible clue to Bounty system?
• Being that this boss, Rixis Archon Slayer, was named and dropped some awesome loot for our guardians, is this possibly a look at the "Bounty" system shown here: [url][/url] (Thanks AccipiterCF105)
[b]The Fallen[/b]
• Sighting of a new Fallen enemy type. A flying drone. Seen here [url][/url]
• In the official gameplayer trailer on this site, there is a portion at 1:24 where there is a Fallen Captain seen with an energy shield. [url][/url]
[b]Character, Weapon, and Skill Development[/b]
• It was stated that Weapons, Armor, and skills can all be developed and customized over time.
[b]Weapon Lowering[/b]
• There was a brief moment in the very beginning of the live feed where the Hunter lowered their weapon during the course of an emote. Both the Hunter and the Warlock seem to have there weapons in a "lowered" state here at this point as well. Not sure if this is a permanent default position when not in combat or an activated stance.
[b]Possible Spaceflight[/b]
• What appear to possibly be two ships can be made out moving through a space backdrop seen here: [url][/url]I will let you decide what if anything that means. (Thanks Greatgeek16!)
[b]Speeders In Action[/b]
• (Officially referred to as "Sparrows" as of today interview.) Speeders seen in action here during the boss fight. [url][/url]
[b]Melee Weapons[/b]
• These were show both in the Bungie Trailer and the Playstation live feed of the game. [url][/url] (Thanks Ghost59)
• Hunter melee from live feed. [url][/url]
[b]Clans and Clan Tags[/b]
• There seems to be clan support at least in some minimum capacity. The tags show in this shot below shows the members of the Bungie fire team with the same tag. (Thanks Lord Commissar) [url][/url]
[b]All Characters[/b]
• The AI companion for all characters is called a "Ghost" and is voiced by Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones. [url][/url] The ghost that was shown had a male voice and had some witty banter. It was really fun to watch.
• Some type of fireball attack (Thanks Kingdrake94) Now known to be called Solar Flare.
• A blue "Energy explosion" attack now confirmed to be called "Nova Bomb". (Thanks Kingdrake94) Took a screen cap of the Warlock getting ready to hit this Devil Walker "IN THE FACE WITH THE SUN". [url][/url]
• Both skills were shown to have a cool-down
• Around the 10:36 mark in the live feed gameplay the Warlock being played, leaps into the air and slowly falls as he is shooting. Now confirmed to be a Warlock ability called GLIDE. (Thanks Spartanz 1996)
• Hunter power seen here: [url][/url] hits the enemy and splits into multiple orbs before collapsing back in on the enemy causing seemingly massive damage.
• This skill is confirmed to be called "The Traveler's Light". (Thanks Dzhosh) A second hunter power seen being cast here: [url][/url] hitting the poor fella here: [url][/url] and incineration here: [url][/url]
• Looking lovely with a possible "Exotic" rocket launcher. [url][/url]
• Titan skill being charged mid air barely seen here [url][/url] as seen by the blue glow around the feet. The skill ends when she lands with explosive force seemingly doing serious damage all around her as seen here: [url][/url] Seems very explosive.
• All ammo for weapons shown was infinite. Mostly likely for this demo only. Just my opinion.
• As seen at 5:16 of the live feed you see the warlock get a "+12" when walking past one of the silver boxes thought to be ammo. Not sure if the ammo fills only certain weapons or if it is universal. (Thanks B1ackwatch)
• Ammo count was shown not only on the gun, but also on the sight as well.
• Multiple examples of Reticle Bloom. (Thanks Euphorius)
• I just noticed writing in this shot right underneath the sight of the rifle. Though I have no idea what it could mean. [url][/url] I have no idea how to clean images up but i tried to get the best scan i could. Let me know what you think. (I believe it says "Assault 2")
[b]Weapon Upgrading[/b]
• Noticed an "upgrade" button on the Thunderlord seen here [url][/url]. This upgrade button is completely missing on the Warlocks basic weapons as seen here [url][/url]. Interesting.....
• Grenades are obviously in the game. I could never tell if there were different kinds or not. I will have to keep watching.
[b]Jump, Slide, Crouch, and Sprint[/b]
• Sprint is now also confirmed.
• We also have the ability to Jump. (Thanks to "A Fly Lady")
• Also the ability to slide. Seen performed by the Warlock (Thanks Dezarath)
• Crouching was also seen throughout the video. Including several times in quick succession after the Devil Walker was dispatched. Good Times! (Thanks Sirwubbus)
[b]Boss Weak Points[/b]
• Weak Points also appear to be confirmed by this still I took. [url][/url]There is a glowing exposed part and the boss seems to be stunned during this part of the fight as well.
• Was also noticed that players were shooting at the Devil's legs to lead toward the "stun phase". (Thanks for the heads up wWBENDELNATORWw)
[b]Numbered Leveling System[/b]
• Numerical leveling system confirmed for both players and enemies as you can see from throughout the entire game play video. Bosses were marked by a Skull in their nameplate. [url][/url]
[b]Critical Hits[/b]
• Critical hits were seen to appear during head shots. Not 100% sure if they "only" occur on head shots or just more likely.
[b]Public Events[/b]
• During the Public Event, players from level 5 to 20 were all involved. At least 7 players can be seen fighting off the Fallen Devil Walker pictured here: [url][/url]
[b]In-Game Emotes[/b]
• Waving was seen here in the live feed: [url][/url]
• Titan salute upon grouping with the Hunter and Warlock: [url][/url] (Thanks Dzhosh)
[b]In Engine Story Based Cut-scenes[/b]
•Seen here: [url][/url]
•And here: [url][/url]- Unknown character speaking to player during cut scene related to Destiny Story. (Thanks Dark Angel1099!)
[b]Release Date not until 2014[/b]
[b]Male Awoken[/b] (from in-game story cut-scene - /disclaimer – just my opinion)
[b]Friendly revive confirmed[/b]
[b]Exotic Weapons & Heavy Weapons Upgrade Path[/b]
[b]Character screen with Menu[/b]
[b]Ship preparing to leave tower[/b] (Dead Orbit Sighting - Credit to Vicex)
~Edited for reformatting, additions, spelling, and even more SPARKLIES!
At the beginning of the newest video of commentary gameplay, when the Titan first comes out, he tosses a grenade.