[url=http://kotaku.com/in-japan-not-all-men-are-gundams-just-some-of-them-741597216?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow]Source (Kotaku)[/url]
Asked on Yahoo Japan:
[quote]"I have a question for the men out there: Are all men Gundams?
The other day, my husband was watching [a Gundam show] in the living room.
I said 'You're over 30, aren't you a little old for anime?' to which he said something along the lines of, '"Gundam is anime, but it's not anime.'
My husband said that, 'All men are Gundams. I'm a Gundam too.'
Apparently our son (who is one year old) will eventually be a Gundam too…
I asked my friends, 'are you a Gundam?' to which they all replied, 'Yes, I am a Gundam.'
Is it true that All men are Gundams? Please tell me.[/quote]
The asker later added:
[quote]Thank you for all your answers.
I was surprised that my husband, who never seemed to have an interest in anime, was watching Gundam.
Recently, he has started incorporating Gundam when playing with our son and every now and then our son enters something called 'Destroy Mode(?)'[/quote]
Internet, you never fail to amuse me.
tfw Gundam