You get one thing from you bedroom to beat him, what is it?
Nothing cause I would run the other way.
Ill slice his face off with a spinning fan. Im gonna cut him so bad, he gonn wish indidnt cut hom so bad. There will be blood....
Edited by Lilith: 7/17/2013 9:09:11 AMEhh...Idk what I'm gonna do with this. Picture over a year old, need new selfie. :(
Game on.
I guess I'll throw my tv at him.
My sword...
The best thing I got is a broken wire and some water.. Shock shock
Xbox controller up his ass. That if you ask me is the most painfull thing in the world
12 gauge shotgun... I feel as if this won't end well for me.
With hollow-point rounds?
The most deadly thing I have in my room is a hunting knife.
How the f uck is this [i]still[/i] on the front page?
We'd talk it out, and I'd take him out to dinner. Then I slip an "altoid" in his Coke.
My iPod. Ill either get him hooked on the off topic or scare him away.
Halo 3 disk.
Do I win?
That sharp pointy stick I've been saving for this occasion.
Bring it on Baby Kong.
Sits on my nightstand, with 23 JHP +P and 4 tungsten core APR >I win
Considering my "room" is the UESC Marathon
My Borderlands Loot Chest.
The only thing I got is one of those heavy duty flashlights that police officers shine in your face when they pull you over. Granted, it'd hurt if I cracked you over the head with it but what's it gonna do against a bloody brute chieftain?
A baseball bat, so I can smash through the window and jump out head first. It will be cleaner that way.
My wooden shield. It's heavy and protective.
I would beat him at Fusion Frenzy. Muahaha