I was wondering when a knee jerk reaction would occur...
[quote]A single factory sitting above a star which harnasses it's energy to create more ships, weapons and robots....on a star???? Send a Forerunner fleet to that system (if they know the coordinates) and turn the star into supernova. You think that single factory is impressive?[/quote]
Actually yes. In theory, the Forerunners only have finite resources. A lot of resources yes, but definitely finite. With the Star Forge, you're essentially granting the user infinite resources. Infinite trumps finite bro. Plop a competent Sith/Jedi along with the weapon and that's half of the Forerunner army at the height of it's power already gone. Give Darth Nihilus a go and the entirety of the Forerunner's are fecking erased.
[quote]Read this thread and see for yourself how the Forerunners industrial capacity is far more impressive then the entire combined star wars galaxy:
Not seeing anything that grants infinite resources here.
[quote]Star wars factions consider a single superweapon as a gamechanger and holy-blam!-wearescrewed. The Forerunners wouldn't be impressed with it, they casually blew up entire starsystems to stop the flood. Even the UNSC can blow up stars with opening a slipspace rupture into a star.[/quote]
First of all correct. There are myriads of superweapons in the Star Wars universe that could one shot most adjacent universes, including, and especially Halo. Second of all, The Forerunners didn't blow up star systems to stop the Flood. IIRC, the Flood at the height of it's power were kicking their asses. They only beat the Flood by "an hero"-ing themselves and the rest of the galaxy. Third of all, holyshitlol, source for the UNSC part. I suspect that was an immediate asspull.
[quote]So you have one weapon that can blow up stars, Halo has entire fleets that can accomplish it.[/quote]
They have superweapons in multitudes bro. Sorry to iterate, but the Sun Crusher isn't the only trick up SW's sleeve.
[quote]A very powerful individual, will still die when his fleet get's ravaged or when he get's overwhelmed on ground.[/quote]
Except that very powerful individual could delete his enemies before they even grace his presence. Seriously, he could one shot the Forerunner's home world if he so wished. Granted, Precursors are a different story, but there's absolutely no shadow of a doubt the Forerunners don't stand a sliver of a chance here.
[quote]Only a handful have that ability and even they haven't full control over it.[/quote]
Incorrect. Any semi decent Sith could control one with an artifact. High tier Sith like Sidious, Bane, Krayt, Nihilus etc would be able to manipulate it with relative ease.
[quote]Competent Halo fleet commanders would order their fleet to slipspace jump away from the approaching force storm. Then return and drop a few nukes at the source of that storm. Hell they can always send in starroads which are indestructible to time and nature itself. Only the Halo's were able to destroy it.[/quote]
Because they're instantly going to know when and where a Force Storm will pop up.
[quote]Again just like all star wars superweapons, something star wars factions would fear while Halo factions would laugh at it.
Moving entire planets is nothing compared to Forerunners who can casually move planets, stars, rings whenever they want through the use of massive slipspace portals. Precursors were able to "They shaped and moved entire galaxies"- Ur Didact Halo silentium.[/quote]
This is a Celestial weapon bro. Star Wars' equivalent to the Precursors. And it isn't just "planets". It can collapse multiple stars into black holes and fling them at numerous enemies.
So if the Precursors can somehow garner an asspull win due to the obscure "LOL ST4R RODS THO", then the Centerpoint Station can play that game just as easily.
Also, source for Forerunners moving stars. In fact, I want sources for all of the Halo shit you're spouting right now.
[quote]Never happened, it only exists in theory. But even if they were capable of doing so, do you really want to destroy the universe you are living it as that destroys yourself. Only a lunatic would think of such weapon. Precursors wouldn't give a damn, they have lived in multiple universes.[/quote]
Just like "Neural Physics" exists in theory. Yet I see none of you Halotards doubting it's dubiousness.
[quote]Star wars factions view superweapons as godly weapons that are rare.[/quote]
Halo factions view the Precursors as some mysterious Jesus race that can one shot just about anything. We barely know much about them, yet the Halotards are so eager to jump on the Precursor wankfest and jerk them off into oblivion until Halo magically comes out on top.
[quote]Halo views them as part of their daily life (excluding covies and the UNSC).[/quote]
Oh god lol. I'd like another round of sauces to go with that.
[quote]All Halo factions have to do is sending a fleet of star roads and flood infested starships towards the star wars galaxy. Then they just take a seat and eat popcorn while watching the ongoing chaos.
And make sure that there are camera's in every corner to view the action.[/quote]
All SW has to do is send in Nihilus, watch him one shot everything save the Precursors, which at that point The Celestials bust out the other superweapons until the Precursors are reverted back into single celled organisms. Boom. Bye bye. No more Halo. #sorrynotsorry
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