Don't know if it was posted allready (big chance it has been as we haven't got much new info.. so my apologies if so), but here's a pic of some of the controls. Nice to look at!
I really want to be a titan but the space magic.
Can I get an Xbox one controller instead?
Edited by Paul Hammer: 7/18/2013 12:18:49 AM
Started a new topic: Magic Control Scheme(15 Replies))
Mostly, I would absolutely love to have the option in changing the gun-fire control. I would like Destiny programmers to have a controller option that is with the L1 bumper to aim, and R1 to shoot, following a traditional shooting style.
Where did this come from? Looks cool though.
im assuming with glide you have to hold down on X to glide.
the warlock class will definitely be a sick one, looking forward to it
The warlock class does look like it will be fun, but i am hoping for the possibility of more than just two spells.
I have a pretty good feeling that the warlock will have more skills, they just didn't put any others in the e3 demo to keep the controller layout easy to understand. Also as some evidence to my claim, Jason Jones says the warlock is his favorite class because of the buff and rez skills.
Edited by Greyco276: 7/17/2013 4:49:33 AMI think the layout should be more like this, I mean it makes much more sense to me. PS: MS paint skill off the charts.
I think there should be more dance buttons.
What a terrible controller to show your controls on.
Edited by ChrisFrancisK: 7/16/2013 11:08:07 PMA video for all you Warlocks. It shows all the abilities with gameplay if you guys haven't already seen it. Thanks! BE BRAVE!!!
(in the pic, just replace use grenade with Aim downsights, replace use armor ability with solar flare and get rid of the Right stick click action) Imagine same controls on ps4 controller, both got equal amount of buttons for the schematic. I really hope bumper jumper makes a appearance. I'm pretty sure I'll be shooting more often than space magic so I wouldn't mind 1 or 2 powers being a face button. jump to LB, reload on O, crouch for left stick click(hold or toggle), X to run and solar flare on square. For me that would be perfect. the buttons I use most I would like to be able to use all while looking moving and jumping. and i cant look aim and jump at the same time if jump is X. but if im getting shot up from behind I can jump up to evade shots and simultaneously turn around to return fire all while moving seamlessly never letting go of the left stick to keep moving a left or right direction while jumping and aiming. This helped me a lot in halo. if the controls have no alternate setting, I guess in PVE that schematic wouldn't hinder as much as it would in PVP for some players who really liked the bumper jumper controls
Did anyone else notice that the sticks are labeled backwards?