Should we be able to put cat ears on our characters in Destiny? It would be so cute!! =^.^=
There are female characters, that is enough pussy in the game.
[quote]Should we be able to put cat ears on our characters in Destiny? It would be so cute!! =^.^=[/quote] No. Absolutely no weeboo shit in this game. Thats why you guys have Pokémon. Leave it there.
Who necrobumped this shit
No. That's gay
Please show me where the "no" option is!
No -blam!- this, I'm tired of all this anime crap you creeps post
Edited by The Worm Keeper: 2/21/2015 6:55:01 PMThat's so gay. I really hope this was a girl posting this
Option 3 : how about no? Grumpy cat likes this option.
I wish there were cat ears
Where's the "F*cking NO" option....?
Huh? you mean titan raid gear?
No, the real world doesn't not accept your odd cat ear fetish.
God no
Those poll choices... The manipulation is strong with this one.
Holy shit this is old... And they listened apparently.. The Titan CE raid helmet looks like a cat..
Edited by Nate: 1/22/2015 10:19:31 PMThis is from over a year ago... Justice must be served to the person that Necro-ed this...
Ears and a tail are always a fail
Lol who brought this back
Just because no isn't there it's maybe
Helm of Inmost Light Only titans get cat things (raid helm)
Maybe because no isn't available.
Weaboo alert just went off.
Yes. We need a barber shop/beauty salon, period.