Should we be able to put cat ears on our characters in Destiny? It would be so cute!! =^.^=
How can a helmet piece ruin the expirience in destiny i dont get it?
Kill it with fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Burn the demons!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expunge the foul heresy from the depths of B-Net! Leave not one cat eared head on its shoulders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gtfo of here with that crap. It's not gonna happen. I doubt that bungie would give in to that final fantasy crap. Square Enix just keeps pumping $$$ into it hoping it'll get better.
I love how there are two choices and neither of them are no. XD
How about: no way in hell?
This makes no sense on most things. Cats ears on Exos? It would look weird. I am not opposed to pointed ears (like an elves) but cats ears doesn't make sense to be honest.
It would probably be entertaining, but if a lot of people started using them it would be more annoying than anything else.
Cat ears are only obtainable by beating the game on the hardest difficulty with your eyes closed and hands tied to the chair with a bungie employee watching you.
Mythic sci-fi, etheral cat ears? Is this a valid compromise?
People stop wasting your time with this ridiculous thread! You're better than this! If you're true Bungie fans you will know for a FACT that that things like cat ears will NOT be included in Destiny. In fact, you have a better chance of finding Waldo than you do getting cat ears in Destiny. End this troll's reign of idiocy once and for all! Let this thread burn!
Yus! Cat ears FTW! (simply because they irk so many other people lol)
You forgot to add a no option.....
Honestly, yes. I think so. If a large enough group wants it then I am for it as the point of Destiny is to look the way you want to. I probably would not use cat ears but I could actually see them as some sort of Cat robot ears for Titans.
The original...
Muting you so hard your grandchildren will feel it
Edited by Copper1: 9/1/2013 4:40:00 PMBURN THE EVIL WITCH. BURN IT. RID THIS LAND OF CAR EARS.
No, pleas not
Cat ears all the way
Where is the NO option
*ahem* [b]This is obviously a troll thread.[/b] [b]This is obviously a troll thread.[/b] [b]This is obviously a troll thread.[/b] [spoiler]And it's a damn good one.[/spoiler]
Dog ears would be better.
Hell to the yes.
I'm just gunna let everyone know... When you comment on this thread about how stupid it is you are only prolonging its existence, keeping it in the recent posts section. If you honestly hate this thread then just ignore it from now on. The only reason I am posting is to tell people to stop! Is it hypocritical? Maybe. Am I desperate to see this thread die? Yes.
Launch this thread into the abyss
you could probably customize your armor to either appear like them, or put a design on your armor/hood to make it look like it
At this rate Bungie is going to put it in just to troll everyone.