The Superman franchise has been half-dead for years. The pacing of the films have been stunted, the result of a refusal to give the classic Superman his due and a spineless jealousy of the more popular and dark Batman flicks. At six films, you'd think Superman would be beating a dead horse, but the franchise seems to have fallen off the horse and into a sort of coma, occasionally broken by delirious mutterings of better days.
When I was younger, Superman movies were *exciting*, they were cheesy and clever, and I remember fighting the urge to leap out of my seat. With Man of Steel, even more than Superman Returns, I felt practically paralyzed by the sheer lack of any level of charm, wit, or personality. The movie is so stupidly scripted, so poorly-shot, so pointlessly dim (in all senses of the term), that it's attacked and killed the heart of this series.
I personally thought Man of Steel was one of the better superman movies. I get tired of the Lex Luther/Kryptonite story, and the others I just haven't seen (which is why I say better and not best). It was refreshing to see superman actually fight someone. I think that the movie had a predictable plot, but not necessarily a bad one. And it had much deeper moments than other ones that I saw. The best heroes have to battle themselves as we'll as others. I generally dislike Superman as a character in general (due to his utter lack of character flaws and his invincibility), but this representation was pretty cool in my opinion. My favorite parts are the big fight scene between Kal and the two soldiers, Zod's final speech about "taking his soul", and that moment when Kal snaps Zod's neck. Only two real issues for me. 1) His mom didn't cry nearly as much as I think she should have when her husband died. That one five second piece of acting was a bit off for me. 2) They tried to explain that the sun made him stronger. Which is cool. But that doesn't explain the flying thing. Jumping really high does not equal flying. But I get what they were going for. I liked it. But that's just me. I can see why people wouldn't like it. There are some pretty big points to make for it being a sub par movie.