TEST Alliance has been having a hard time in the fountain war.
Not only are they getting their asses kicked, But they are running dangerously low on cash to fund the war.
TEST Alliance, and the corporations that it is made of have what it called a ship reimbursement policy. Meaning that if you are a member of TEST and your ship is destroyed in the war, They will reimburse you the cost of the ship.
If they start to really run dry, pilots and corporations will leave the alliance, causing it to crumble.
If people think that the alliance is about to go under, all kinds of bad things can happen.
People with access to alliance money and assets could bail out, stealing billions of isk ( currency ) worth of assets. Further causing the alliance to crumble.
in EvE This is referred to as a "Failcascade"
heheh, could be worse. you could be S2N 2 weeks ago.