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Edited by Felicia402: 7/21/2013 5:15:11 PM

Criticizing and making inappropriate comments on female member's appearances

Now before I begin, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into here. I'm prepared for the flaming and the insults, but I'm going to put on my brave face here, and finally say something which I believe has been on a lot of other member's minds, but nobody wants to speak up in fear of being ridiculed. Inappropriate I've noticed some people, if not a lot of people, on these forums somehow think criticizing, comparing, and making rather disgusting comments on a females appearance is okay. Now, I'm not sure what you guys talk about privately or around your "buds" in real life (I mean, I've discussed other people's appearances before to friends in a mature manner) however do you guys do so around the actual girls you're discussing? I'm assuming not, but if you do, seriously, learn better manners. I know we all like to sit around and post images of models and actresses then critic their looks. It's all in good fun, I acknowledge that and that's fine, but when you're doing so to girls that are SEEING your comments and you're well AWARE they're seeing your comments, what makes you think that's okay? What makes you think because these females post pictures of themselves, that you have the right to say you find them unattractive or compare them to one another? This is NOT okay behavior, and it doesn't matter how much you try to justify it, [b]it never will be okay.[/b] If you went up to a girl in public and said "Meh. 5/10. Seen better", you'd be considered an asshole. If you went up to two girls in public and said one was better looking than the other, you're an asshole. Comment on a girl's picture on Facebook saying "You got a good body, your face on the other had...", you'd be considered an asshole. Just because you're anonymous and because these random females post pictures of themselves online, doesn't make you any less of an asshole. Sorry to inform you. Now before you all just start slurring comments such as; >"Well don't post pictures of yourself if you care so much!!!", (which still don't justify such horrible behavior) I don't care. I'm content with my appearance, and if I wasn't, no I wouldn't have had posted pictures of myself. It is all in good fun, and shouldn't be no different than a male member posting a picture. [b]Looks are irrelevant on a internet forum.[/b] >"Don't be so insecure!" I can ensure you, I'm not. If I was I would have NEVER made a thread like this. I'm prepared for a ton of insults coming my way for simply making this thread. >"It's an opinion! Deal with it! I can say what I want online." Sometimes it's best to keep opinions to yourself. We all can be judgmental, and I'm definitely no angel myself, but I don't be going up to be people saying negative comments about things they cannot change. That would make me a [b]mean person.[/b] It doesn't matter if you're online or in person, this is still [b]mean.[/b] >"Like if someone posts art online, I'll tell them how I truly feel so they can improve!" Unlike art, you can't change your appearance, and seriously nobody say plastic surgery. This thread was made out of curiosity, and curiosity alone. I just want to know why you guys think this behavior is okay. I was going to keep this thread within TFS, but I don't think my main target members will be able to see it. I may regret doing so, but come on guys, for once show everyone we're not such a god awful shit-tier forum. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!

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  • Its times like this when I am really happy to be off the market. Its all about my woman!

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  • Boy, these threads are always the most fun to read. It's the time when all the users of bring out their inner professors to type up multi-paragraph perspectives on the srs business of the Internet. That being said, I have no real stance on this topic other than neutrality. This might make me a bystander or someone guilty of "turning the other cheek to bullying", but in all honesty, it's the internet. Work it out amongst yourselves, don't accuse the people on the sidelines of "letting it happen". I shouldn't have to get involved in matters I don't give a shit about, just to defend someone who can't handle heavy-handed compliments or criticisms, or to scold some asshole who never learned the Golden Rule.

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  • Edited by HM Rob: 7/18/2013 4:05:22 AM
    Honestly, I don't give a -blam!-. At all. And I'm not just referring to your pseudo-problem -- I'm talking about the genders of people on this forum. I couldn't give a -blam!- less about whether you're a girl or a guy. Considering I actually have a girlfriend and can get some (unlike the majority of this site's members), I feel no need to pay attention to your gender. But let me tell you this: You cause half of your "problems". Instead of coming on this site and giving yourself a beautiful and original name like "Halo Master", you call yourself <insert girl name> and make yourself famous (on this shitty forum) for your gender. You shouldn't be exploited because of your gender, but it's really not necessary to tell people that you're a girl. Beyond that, it's -blam!-ing retarded that you give these shit heads the opportunity to see what you look like, IRL. You're feeding them, yet you get pissed off. Am I angry or upset that you posted this? No. More importantly, I couldn't give a -blam!- less about this (as stated before). But you're really only causing more internet drama by making this. So congrats on that. And as for you calling this a shit-tier forum: You're so -blam!-ing wrong. This is absolutely a shitty forum, but if you compare it to virtually any other forum on the internet, I bet you'd far prefer being here. We have moderators and a community that actually shares shit in common and doesn't constantly talk about anime porn or Miley Cyrus. Yes, this is a shitty forum, but it's pretty -blam!-ing good compared to the rest.

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    • I agree completely, but unfortunately it's probably not going to change anything. People don't care about what they say on the internet because of the anonymity factor, however, some people DO care what is said about them. This kind of stuff doesn't just persist on this forum, but any social media site. It will never go away unfortunately, because (imo) there are a lot of uneducated assholes who don't care about others unless it is beneficial for them to do so, and they tend to be the vocal ones. Really, the best thing we can do is just mute those that disgrace the integrity of this site and mask the many awesome community members that have always been here. Only time will tell.

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    • Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 7/18/2013 3:35:51 AM
      [quote]I know we all like to sit around and post images of models and actresses then critic their looks. It's all in good fun, I acknowledge that and that's fine, but when you're doing so to girls that are SEEING your comments and you're well AWARE they're seeing your comments, what makes you think that's okay? [/quote] I think people/society flip their opinion on this online , would you rather have comments made behind your back or to your face? I mean I don't wanna blend the lines between the internet and real life here but I think people prefer comments being made to their face so they have a chance to defend themselves, no?

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      • It's really not exclusive to women.

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      • [quote]shit-tier forum[/quote] :'[ *sniffles* I'll be on reddit and league of legends renewing my faith in, if anyone needs me.

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        • [quote]Just because you're anonymous and because these random females post pictures of themselves online, doesn't make you any less of an asshole. Sorry to inform you. [/quote] But no one can know we're the asshole so that makes it okay. [quote]Sometimes it's best to keep opinions to yourself. We all can be judgmental, and I'm definitely no angel myself, but I don't be going up to be people saying negative comments about things they cannot change. That would make me a mean person. It doesn't matter if you're online or in person, this is still mean.[/quote] Shut up.

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        • Geez, tu quoque much? If you feel that cretinous responses are inevitable and have an adverse effect on you, then that suggests a logical course of action.

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        • Felicia does have a point. I would feel pretty bad (actually most people would) if I saw people commenting on my looks and saying mean things about me. Because in that thread, some pretty mean things were said. And it actually does kind of reflect poorly on us.

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          • only time i will make fun of a females appearance is when they are a fake.

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          • Pretty good video, not about us, but about gaming communities in general. Makes a pretty could statement about the people saying "that's just the way the internet is" as well [spoiler]they're cowards.[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by Frost: 7/18/2013 3:40:03 AM
            I'm actually happy that [i]you[/i] brought this up, because people are going to read it. Now, the sheer amount of general hate on these forums is irritating enough, but I do think that this is becoming a bigger issue, and I like those types of posts as much as I like religious and political shit-posts. With that said, I feel like I have to point this part out, as it just stood out to me. [quote]>[u]"It's an opinion! Deal with it! I can say what I want online."[/u] Sometimes it's best to keep opinions to yourself. We all can be judgmental, and I'm definitely no angel myself, but I don't be going up to be people saying negative comments about things they cannot change. That would make me a mean person. It doesn't matter if you're online or in person, this is still mean.[/quote] The thing is that A LOT of people here seem to not understand how to express their opinions. I can say "Blue is my favorite color", or I can say "Blue is the best color." Which of these two do you see used more on these forums? Because for the most part I see the "my opinion is right and you should all bow down to me and agree with my personal preference" option. Honestly, I don't give a -blam!- about your opinions, an opinion is your personal preference and does not have to match up with mine at all, an opinion can't be right or wrong because it is what you prefer, not what your mom prefers, not what your best friend prefers, and not what you -blam!-ing goldfish prefers, it's only you. What I'm trying to say here is that people on this website give way to big of a flying -blam!- about other people's opinions. If you see a thread about something you don't like and for whatever reason decide to post in it, don't go and shit-post about how much you hate the topic, [i]because no one else gives a -blam!- about your opinion that they do not agree with.[/i] We live in a world that's ugly enough, you don't have to go and make it worse by shit-posting about someone's appearance. We don't care what you think, and the person you are insulting for absolutely no reason at all should not care either, because what you are saying is a completely worthless waste of space and energy that could be spent saving a -blam!-ing kitten or something. /rant *EDIT: Holy wall of text...

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          • Posting anything online opens you up to criticism, deserved or otherwise. It's gonna happen from now until the end of time. Expecting anything less is ignorance at its finest. Grow some thicker skin if it bothers you.

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          • I won't make inappropriate comments about female members. Promise

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          • I don't think it's okay, but I don't think it's as big of a deal as you make it out to be. Then again, I'm not a girl who has her appearance critiqued every single day. Though, honestly, if I was, I think I'd not give a shit. I don't know what you aim to accomplish with this thread. Do you want the behavior to stop? If not, do you just want them to admit they are being assholes?

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            3 Replies
            • Meh. I just live my life being sexy and junk. Stop crying about it. God.

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            • Edited by Erkyo: 7/18/2013 2:54:21 AM
              @Celticsgreen17 Why ignore it? It's a real problem. Just because it does not affect you personally [b]now[/b] does not mean it affect you later. For all you know some lady in your future you may love, could be suffering from this right now in a completely unrelated forum.

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              • The fly struggles caught in the spiders web. Much to its dismay, this only excites the spider; The very response it craved. [spoiler]Felicia, you're just giving them what they want. A response, and in its own thread no less. You know better.[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Steel Assassin: 7/18/2013 3:01:32 AM
                I'm only here to nitpick...mostly because the intention of this topic has been taught since we were kids. If teachers and parents weren't able to get through their thick skulls, something tells me a stranger on the internet will have even less success. Additionally, I'm not asshat. I play nice until someone yells at me back. Even then, I rarely get more annoyed than amused by their attempts to be mean. Anywho, unimportant nitpicking time. [quote]"Don't be so insecure!" I can ensure you, I'm not. If I was I would have NEVER made a thread like this.[/quote] Not saying you are in fact insecure (I'm not here to accuse anyone of anything), but an insecure person could indeed feel the urge to make this topic. Similar to how people that are angrily yelling at someone else may spout "Whatever, I don't care" yet their persistence shows otherwise, an insecure person could make a topic much like this one with the same paradoxical logic.

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                • This is a rather hypocritical thread considering all the attention-seeking you did back in FT before you got booted.

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                  • I lack the empathy to care about the emotional well being of other human life forms.

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                    • It's the internet. People will be asshats any chance they get simply because they are anonymous and don't have the problem of ever coming face to face with 99.9% of people on here in their lifetime. Just stay away from threads about what you described unless if there's some forum game thread where the purpose is to point out any unattractive flaws. Other than that, not much can be changed other than turning a blind eye. What is annoying is whenever a female member does post something then some guy posts "attention whore" or "fishing for attention". That shit gets old real fast.

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                    • Meh. 5/10. Seen better

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                    • And to Silent and Ned Flanders: I think the problem starts with males now a days do not have a positive role models in their lives. To no fault of their own for some the turn to athletes, movie stars and pop musicians as male role models. and none of those teach how to respect a woman what she deserves. So with that being said I believe someone like myself can teach some of these adolescents something. Might be a small step towards a mile stone but if others will follow it will take on. The best way to teach is through example.

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                    • This post made Cam move in front of you, good job.

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