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Edited by Felicia402: 7/21/2013 5:15:11 PM

Criticizing and making inappropriate comments on female member's appearances

Now before I begin, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into here. I'm prepared for the flaming and the insults, but I'm going to put on my brave face here, and finally say something which I believe has been on a lot of other member's minds, but nobody wants to speak up in fear of being ridiculed. Inappropriate I've noticed some people, if not a lot of people, on these forums somehow think criticizing, comparing, and making rather disgusting comments on a females appearance is okay. Now, I'm not sure what you guys talk about privately or around your "buds" in real life (I mean, I've discussed other people's appearances before to friends in a mature manner) however do you guys do so around the actual girls you're discussing? I'm assuming not, but if you do, seriously, learn better manners. I know we all like to sit around and post images of models and actresses then critic their looks. It's all in good fun, I acknowledge that and that's fine, but when you're doing so to girls that are SEEING your comments and you're well AWARE they're seeing your comments, what makes you think that's okay? What makes you think because these females post pictures of themselves, that you have the right to say you find them unattractive or compare them to one another? This is NOT okay behavior, and it doesn't matter how much you try to justify it, [b]it never will be okay.[/b] If you went up to a girl in public and said "Meh. 5/10. Seen better", you'd be considered an asshole. If you went up to two girls in public and said one was better looking than the other, you're an asshole. Comment on a girl's picture on Facebook saying "You got a good body, your face on the other had...", you'd be considered an asshole. Just because you're anonymous and because these random females post pictures of themselves online, doesn't make you any less of an asshole. Sorry to inform you. Now before you all just start slurring comments such as; >"Well don't post pictures of yourself if you care so much!!!", (which still don't justify such horrible behavior) I don't care. I'm content with my appearance, and if I wasn't, no I wouldn't have had posted pictures of myself. It is all in good fun, and shouldn't be no different than a male member posting a picture. [b]Looks are irrelevant on a internet forum.[/b] >"Don't be so insecure!" I can ensure you, I'm not. If I was I would have NEVER made a thread like this. I'm prepared for a ton of insults coming my way for simply making this thread. >"It's an opinion! Deal with it! I can say what I want online." Sometimes it's best to keep opinions to yourself. We all can be judgmental, and I'm definitely no angel myself, but I don't be going up to be people saying negative comments about things they cannot change. That would make me a [b]mean person.[/b] It doesn't matter if you're online or in person, this is still [b]mean.[/b] >"Like if someone posts art online, I'll tell them how I truly feel so they can improve!" Unlike art, you can't change your appearance, and seriously nobody say plastic surgery. This thread was made out of curiosity, and curiosity alone. I just want to know why you guys think this behavior is okay. I was going to keep this thread within TFS, but I don't think my main target members will be able to see it. I may regret doing so, but come on guys, for once show everyone we're not such a god awful shit-tier forum. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!

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  • This post made Cam move in front of you, good job.

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    4 Replies
    • [quote]I've noticed some people, if not a lot of people, on these forums somehow think criticizing, comparing, and making rather disgusting comments on a females appearance is okay.[/quote]Yes

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    • no u

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    • While I respect your effort and agree with you (to a certain extent) this thread isn't going to change anything. People in real life hardly listen to reason and logic, so I doubt the people on this site (or the internet in general) that need to be told this are going to actually think about it and change their ways. There might be some, but it will be a very low percentage. The internet brings out horrible monsters in people (maybe those monsters are who they actually are) it's better to just get used to it and ignore it. I'm not excusing it nor am I saying that it's okay, but this is the internet, a place where opinions run rampant and respect is a rare occurrence, so your point (while I agree with it) is slightly moot. Also, not trying to sound condescending or accuse you of being a hypocritical feminist, but do you only care when this kind of stuff happens to women? Because this stuff happens with males as well just in a slightly different manner (I guarantee that if I were to post a picture of myself on here I'd be called all sorts of names, both in regards to my ethnicity and my supposed "Beta" rank).

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    • Women these days...

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    • Edited by The Manliest Man: 7/18/2013 2:34:07 AM
      While I feel it is rather rude, you [i]are[/i] on the internet. What do you expect?

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    • [quote]What makes you think because these females post pictures of themselves, that you have the right to say you find them unattractive or compare them to one another?[/quote] I was following you until I got here. Th entire thing just shattered the moment you presented it this way. It's the internet, everyone has the right to criticize each other however they please to my knowledge. Yes, it can be rude. However to ask a question like this just makes the core point behind the post itself questionable. Maybe it's just the wording of this specific point, because the rest of the post is nice... 'Cept maybe this bit. [quote]>"Well don't post pictures of yourself if you care so much!!!", (which still don't justify such horrible behavior) I don't care. I'm content with my appearance, and if I wasn't, no I wouldn't have had posted pictures of myself. It is all in good fun, and shouldn't be no different than a male member posting a picture. Looks are irrelevant on a internet forum. [/quote] Regardless of the site, I'd expect anyone to understand they run the risk of criticism. This is not directed towards any specific person, but to everyone in general: You should understand the consequences of these things. Regardless of your opinion on right and wrong, these things can and will happen on occasion. If you understand the consequences beforehand, you knew what was going to happen. That said, I understand it is rude behavior. I understand it is not something to look up to. I don't necessarily condone it, however there seems to be an attempt (whether unintentional or not I do not know,) to shift the entirety of the focus onto one group. Which generally doesn't work for any social conflict as far as I know.

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    • [quote]but I'm going to put on my brave face here, and finally say something which I believe has been on a lot of other member's minds, but nobody wants to speak up in fear of being ridiculed.[/quote] NOBODY THINKS ABOUT THIS STUFF OR GIVES A FLYING -blam!-

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      4 Replies
      • I'm sorry. It'll never happen again. Seriously though, you're forgetting the positive attention that you get as being a girl too. There's plenty of white knights around here to protect you.

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        13 Replies
        • Edited by Verachi: 7/18/2013 1:36:15 AM
          I understand what you're saying and to me it's common sense, but I don't think it will change the mindset of internet assholes/bad trolls. All the threads made to embarrass female or male members get reported by me. If the user keeps making threads like that then I'll mute them. We as a community need to do better job at reporting shitty threads like that. Sometimes I feel like reporting is useless seeing that nobody else does it. I sometimes want to reply to the OP but then I remember that arguing with bad trolls is useless. The best thing to do against trolls is ignore them but it seems like people here love feeding trolls. I see myself coming here less and less. It's not too fun to browse the forums with a bunch of collapsed threads in my view. All the good threads get drowned by horrible obvious troll threads it's sickening.

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          2 Replies
          • I hate to say it, but I get the feeling this thread will be full of white knights and assholes. I assume this was, in large part, inspired by the most attractive female member poll?

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            • Everyone is a dude on the internet. Problem solved.

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            • Edited by Ilogical Logic: 7/18/2013 1:13:15 AM
              >reads title >begins reading first paragraph >notices the length of the topic >I then remember that I'm not mean to any of the female members >feels cool >reads Deej's comment >remembers tat Deej is cool >agrees with Deej >clicks post button >expects to be muted >not sure why >I feel mean now. >now clicks post button for real after I finish typing >has nothing left to say >click >realizes he has nothing better to do >decides to actually read

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              • Edited by Reclamity: 7/18/2013 12:56:11 AM
                Manners? ...... Do you know where you are? This isn't a damn dinner party, this is the Flood. Boy or girl, everyone here insults and disrespects each other; why do you think you deserve special treatment? By the way, this isn't a shit-tier forum, it's just the off topic section that blows. Take a stroll in the community forum; they're much nicer.

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                2 Replies
                • Bingobangobongo You know posting stuff that contradicts and challenges the floods hive mind only results in endless immature harassment right? Jay, Charlie, and MadMax can't even make a thread on the mains anymore without it being mass muted and having an endless stream of shit thrown at them.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Girls have called me hot and told me all the dirty things they wanna do to me and have also been called 7/10 and stuff. But I don't get my panties in a bunch because I put myself out there and I don't get offended by some nerds. Let the haters hate, let their jealousy and rage fuel you. In a couple months I'm gonna post an amazing shirtless pic and soak up the attention and hate alike. Life's a lot more fun when you view it like this.

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                    5 Replies
                    • I fully agree that the behavior is inappropriate. But something that you should realize, that you NEED to realize, is that the internet is the wild. Don't expect to be treated nicely on the internet unless the people involved are your friends only. There is a reason I have never once posted a picture of myself on this god-awful forum riddled with these freaks.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I don't think I've ever made a negative comment about anyone's appearance here. At least knowingly anyway. That said, I don't think this thread is going to change much.

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                        4 Replies
                        • This thread is worth saving, I can't disagree with this. Why? [spoiler]Because it's common sense.[/spoiler]

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                          3 Replies
                          • What about the male posters whose appearances we criticize?

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                            • I laugh at what those comments say. But I've never (dont think) have critiqued a persons appearance online when they post of pic of themselves.

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                            • I wouldn't pay too much attention to what people say online. In the internet, when you're anonymous, people insult each other all the time haha. It's not just girls that get ridiculed, I've seen a ton of guys ridicule other guys as well for their appearance. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's the internet, with a bunch of people saying things they wouldn't normally, only to annoy or to be funny. I wouldn't take offense to it.

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                              3 Replies
                              • in all seriousness though, I think it has to do with anonymity [i]and [/i] the lack of consequences there are. If i say you're ugly (you aren't its an example.) there are no consequences besides you not liking me (this account.) I can then go and make another account, so there really is no punishment.

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                              • Why are people calling this place The Flood? CAN'T YOU GUYS SEE THE FLOOD IS DEAD, THIS PLACE IS A PATHETIC SUBSTITUTE CALLED THE OFFTOPIC.

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                                6 Replies
                                • Edited by edableshoe: 7/18/2013 4:06:53 AM
                                  You have a good point, but I do have something I'd like to say. More on that in a second, I do wish to mention that there will always be idiots and fools who think they are funny by doing things that are rather offensive, and sometimes they don't actually know better. Nonetheless, it IS the internet, so there are always going to be jerks and idiots. I'm trying not to be a jerk here, nor a whiteknight, so at the same time, I have to pick on you a little for this thread. I don't agree that the topic you picked was really worth a thread, because this applies for males as well. We call those "betas," wherein a guy says or does something that is very "beta" in the male world. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about, and I suggest you take note that it is truly the male equivalent, so don't feel there is a sexual injustice.

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                                • You seem to have a lot of problems with the Bungie community. Why are you still here?

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