What I'm getting out of this is that you can either be,
A) An asshole
B) A secret asshole
You act like a saint saying that we can talk about people but only behind their back. That's not making you a good person. And if you don't want anyone hurt then don't say it in the first place.
Yes it's wrong for people to say mean things about these girls but then these girls should have known that this forum is full of dickheads. These girls aren't in the wrong but then again they should have never posted pictures of themselves if they didn't want comments on their looks.
Edited by Felicia402: 7/18/2013 5:20:54 AMI don't understand how you're not getting the difference. Are you trolling me right now? To be an "asshole" would mean I'd have to say or do things to make another person feel bad. If you think in your mind when a girl walks by "I don't find her attractive" does that make you a secret asshole? No, because you can't control your thoughts. If my friends are having a discussion about one's looks, why can't I say "I don't or do find them attractive", it's not hurting that person any way whatsoever. It's not like I'm stating it in a way such as "Omg! He/she is sooo ugly! I wouldn't touch them with a stick!". That's a rather mean comment. When I discuss someone's looks with another, the conversation usually goes like; Them: "Man, they're really hot!" Me: "Meh. I personally don't find them THAT attractive." That's it. That's as bad as it gets, and if you still believe that makes me an "asshole" or a "secret asshole" you're either a troll or lack some serious common sense. [quote]Yes it's wrong for people to say mean things about these girls but then these girls should have known that this forum is full of dickheads. These girls aren't in the wrong but then again they should have never posted pictures of themselves if they didn't want comments on their looks.[/quote] So you're saying it's OUR faults for posting our pictures in the first place? That justifies them being jerks? Okay, I'm sorry but I'm not replying to this crap anymore. Please, [i]please[/i] rethink about this subject with a open mind and try putting your self in another person's shoes. It truly saddens me that people have opinions such like yourself.
Yes you can't control your thoughts but then some people may not be able to control their mouths because their assholes. Felicia I understand your point People shouldn't be so mean but that's not how people are. They'll continue regardless. So lets say you go up to someone and call them ugly. You're an asshole for that. Say to you're friend; their ugly. That still makes you dick. You can't deny that. Saying it in private doesn't make it right. [quote]So you're saying it's OUR faults for posting our pictures in the first place?[/quote] Well you obviously put the pictures up in the first place. I didn't say it justifies them. Don't assume. But like I said it's a leap of faith into a pack of ravenous wolves. Yes the wolves are bad for eating you but you're the one that jumped in. They should either be prepared or not do it at all. I'm not trolling I'm just being the realistic person.
Edited by Felicia402: 7/18/2013 5:51:31 AMWhere did I say I call people "ugly"? Honestly, I don't think that word as came out of my mouth since like High School. Once again, if you think I'm an asshole because I make a comment like "In my opinion I don't think they're attractive" in private, you're delusional. [quote]realistic person.[/quote] Then what's up with the lack of common sense?
I created a scenario if you couldn't tell. [quote]In my opinion I don't think they're attractive" in private, you're delusional.[/quote] That's still mean and you shouldn't do it. Just because the person isn't around that doesn't make it right to say even that.