If you have said anything judge mental about a person(which I am sure you have) please shut up, stop pointing fingers, realize you probably had a role to play on what was going on and get over it. Also, anything I say on here, would be exactly what I would say in front of people. I'm not a hypocritical person who hides behind whispered gentle insults...
Edited by Felicia402: 7/18/2013 6:16:47 AMI have never insulted somebody to their face nor have I ever done anything within the years to purposely make another feel bad. Once again; [quote]So you mean to say, you don't sit down with your buds and discuss a model's or actress's appearance? I'm sorry, but I just don't find Channing Tatum all that attractive. Guess that makes me a bitch for discussing that with my friends, huh? The difference is I don't insult others, knowing that they'll see it and possibly get hurt by it. Like I've already stated in my thread, we all can be judgmental and I'm no exception. When my friends are talking about this girl or guy and saying "Yeah he/she is really attractive", why can't I say "Meh. I don't think they are"? I'm just sharing an opinion with friends. I'm not saying it to the person themselves, then it would be rude. The situations is COMPLETELY different. To be an "asshole" would mean I'd have to say or do things to make another person feel bad. If you think in your mind when a girl walks by "I don't find her attractive" does that make you a secret asshole? No, because you can't control your thoughts. If my friends are having a discussion about one's looks, why can't I say "I don't or do find them attractive", it's not hurting that person any way whatsoever. It's not like I'm stating it in a way such as "Omg! He/she is sooo ugly! I wouldn't touch them with a stick!". That's a rather mean comment. When I discuss someone's looks with another, the conversation usually goes like; Them: "Man, they're really hot!" Me: "Meh. I personally don't find them THAT attractive." That's it. That's as bad as it gets, and if you still believe that makes me an "asshole" or a "secret asshole" you're either a troll or lack some serious common sense. [/quote] And sorry, no I won't "get over" people unnecessarily being mean, why? Because I don't understand the point of it. So you tell me, why do you enjoy making others feel bad?
You say things behind people's backs that you would not say to their face...why would you not say it to their face? If what you're saying isn't that bad, what is the problem? No matter what you say to yourself to justify what you're doing, according to you, you are doing exactly what you say is wrong and needs to stop. I don't enjoy hurting people, I just don't care unless I care about you. If you would like to know why I don't care ask me in a private message(it is about my past and not for the faint of heart). The reason I say get over it, is because any weakness you show the truly cruel people, they are just going to use it to their advantage and it does very little to help change it. People, on a whole, are bad and know that I agree with your statement to a degree, but everyone gets verbally abused here, not just woman, hell not just mostly women.
Stupidity.. or moreso lack of common sense... [i]everywhere[/i]. If you don't have the sense enough to understand the differences, you need to either think harder or troll harder.
Common sense is not common. Why do you think that people have to put on warning labels on obviously dangerous stuff. "Rat poison? Doesn't say it's dangerous, so it must be okay to drink!" "Oh, look! An open fuse box! Let's poke it! " People are generally dumb. Very, very dumb. The trouble is, the dumb ones don't realize how dumb they are, and often form groups of dumb people with a collective intelligence lower than that of any individual. I call it the "hold my beer and watch this!" effect.
It is kind of funny watching you try to justify how you're a hypocrite. Also, for your information, I don't know when you kids decided that if someone disagrees with me and provides reasons why, that I can't answer, they are either trolling, hating, or idiots...I guess in closing, grow up, stop being a hypocrite, don't put yourself out there if your not ready for the consequences, and last, but not least, stop trying to call everyone a troll because they disagree with you. So yea, I pretty much dropped the mic...and I'm guessing you're going to comeback with another dumb retort(which still doesn't answer those few questions I asked) talking about how I am this and that, but I am going to tell you know, that I won't read it or really care because you have lied to yourself so much you will believe whatever shit you make up to justify yourself.
[quote]You're putting it very nicely Dark, good job. Although I'm pretty sure that user is trolling. I didn't know when I made a profile on my boyfriends xbox (under my own name), then made it gold, I was "throwing myself out there"[/quote] You made me feel bad. Hypocrite asshole.