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7/18/2013 4:49:27 PM
I was going to post on another account but I feel like this thread maybe had something to do with me. I know I'm guilty of making fun of other female members looks. I do that though mostly to piss off other members and because I don't think it's fair that you got to suffer from it more than the other girls which I feel like you do. I really don't think any female here is ugly I know I say it but I don't and I'm sorry if I ever hurt anyone's feelings. When I first heard of you people were saying things about your appearance like you weren't very attractive and that you were a 4/10. I didn't know what you looked like back than so I asked these people to post a picture but they never did. When I finally seen a picture of you on your group I was stunned because not only are you far from a 4/10 but you were more attractive than I ever imagined a girl on here ever would be but I still joined along and jumped on the "she's ugly and a attention whore" bandwagon. Why because even though I didn't really know you I thought because you acted confident and was beautiful you knew it and was stuck up. I can't stand stuck up chicks but to my surprise you were nothing like that. I treated you like crap said every worst insult I could think of and you still treated me with respect when I obviously didn't deserve it. You were kind to me and I have no idea why. I wish people got to know you like I did rather than thinking your some stuck up attention whore because there so off but forget those people. Your one of the most kindest member I ever met on here and maybe even irl on top of that your beautiful and I can promise everyone here knows that. I know you think I'm trolling when I say others are butthurt by calling you ugly or average and I do overdo but in a way it's still true. People know damn well how attractive you are and they think you must know it as well so they try to knock you down with them. They don't want you or anyone else thinking they're more superior than them and they just assume someone like you must think that because.. well you are. You modeled, your a bartender, you have a long term relationship that's going somewhere, you were popular, your social, your attractive, you have all these things people here want and that makes them jealous. What do jealous people do? Try to drag down that person they're jealous of. I guess what I'm saying is they're not worth your time or this thread. Ignore them and remember your living the life they always wished they had.

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