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Edited by A ToplessZombie: 7/18/2013 7:12:02 PM

Criticizing and making inappropriate comments on male member's appearances

Now before I begin, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into here. I'm prepared for the flaming and the insults, but I'm going to put on my brave face here, and finally say something which I believe has been on a lot of other member's minds, but nobody wants to speak up in fear of being ridiculed. Inappropriate I've noticed some people, if not a lot of people, on these forums somehow think criticizing, comparing, and making rather disgusting comments on a males appearance is okay. Now, I'm not sure what you guys talk about privately or around your "buds" in real life (I mean, I've discussed other people's appearances before to friends in a mature manner) however do you guys do so around the actual guys you're discussing? I'm assuming not, but if you do, seriously, learn better manners. I know we all like to sit around and post images of models and actors then critic their looks. It's all in good fun, I acknowledge that and that's fine, but when you're doing so to guys that are SEEING your comments and you're well AWARE they're seeing your comments, what makes you think that's okay? What makes you think because these males post pictures of themselves, that you have the right to say you find them unattractive or compare them to one another? This is NOT okay behavior, and it doesn't matter how much you try to justify it, it never will be okay. If you went up to a guy in public and said "Meh. 5/10. Seen better", you'd be considered an asshole. If you went up to two guys in public and said one was better looking than the other, you're an asshole. Comment on a guy's picture on Facebook saying "You got a good body, your face on the other had...", you'd be considered an asshole. Just because you're anonymous and because these random males post pictures of themselves online, doesn't make you any less of an asshole. Sorry to inform you. Now before you all just start slurring comments such as; >"Well don't post pictures of yourself if you care so much!!!", (which still don't justify such horrible behavior) I don't care. I'm content with my appearance, and if I wasn't, no I wouldn't have had posted pictures of myself. It is all in good fun, and shouldn't be no different than a female member posting a picture. Looks are irrelevant on a internet forum. >"Don't be so insecure!" I can ensure you, I'm not. If I was I would have NEVER made a thread like this. I'm prepared for a ton of insults coming my way for simply making this thread. >"It's an opinion! Deal with it! I can say what I want online." Sometimes it's best to keep opinions to yourself. We all can be judgmental, and I'm definitely no angel myself, but I don't be going up to be people saying negative comments about things they cannot change. That would make me a mean person. It doesn't matter if you're online or in person, this is still mean. >"Like if someone posts art online, I'll tell them how I truly feel so they can improve!" Unlike art, you can't change your appearance, and seriously nobody say plastic surgery. This thread was made out of curiosity, and curiosity alone. I just want to know why you guys think this behavior is okay. I was going to keep this thread within TFS, but I don't think my main target members will be able to see it. I may regret doing so, but come on guys, for once show everyone we're not such a god awful shit-tier forum. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!

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  • This may sound blunt, but I'm actually trying to be helpful: I'm sorry in advance, but this thread, or any thread purportedly trying to change (or, in your case, I guess, to "understand in a hoping-you-will change kind of way") the nature of anonymous internet commentary, is an exercise that is futile at best, blatant attention-whoring at worst. I'm not judging which you're trying to do; merely commenting on the nature of this kind of thread. Especially because the thread that supposedly prompted you to write this has not been deleted and its creator has not been banned for violating the CoC. Clearly, that thread has not crossed the line of inappropriateness, so why bother making another thread to bring even more attention to it? Regardless, though, it has nothing to do with you being male. It has to do with you revealing personal information about yourself in a mostly anonymous gamer forum. When everyone else (or mostly everyone else, or even a substantial number of everyone else) is anonymous, if you're going to step outside that protection of anonymity and post pictures of yourself, people will comment on your appearance. Your primary concern is not applicable only to guys; it could be applied to any kind of person at all. You want proof? I go to PAX every year. Numerous pictures of me show up on this website every year. As a result, we see topics like [url=]this[/url] and [url=]this[/url] and alternate accounts like [url=!page=index&mid=612767]this[/url], [url=!page=index&mid=758027]this[/url], and [url=!page=index&mid=3681243]this[/url]. I could easily make a topic exactly like the one you made, only replacing gender issues with race issues. But it would change nothing. So instead, I sigh, roll my eyes, and move on. Believe it or not, there are people on this site of every gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, weight, height, and everything else you can think of. There are guys here who you'd never know are guys; the only reason I even know a FEW of them is from playing Halo on their teams or posts in private groups/messages. These people don't have to put up with any of the flak that you do, and it's because they choose not to reveal themselves to a group of anonymous gamers any more than the anonymous users who post their cruel taunts. You can't make it stop, and the only reason why this kind of thing happens is the brutality of the ability for people to make instantaneous, anonymous judgments here based solely on grossly overgeneralized stereotypes and thoughts that they would never even put into words in any other setting. Yes it's cruel. But whatever it is, it's not it's not only for males. Look at any picture thread here and see what I mean. If you want to avoid it being applied to you, start a new account or change your name to something neutral and gamer-related on this account and remain anonymous. Remaining anonymous along with everyone else truly is the best, if not only, solution to this problem.

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    16 Replies
    • On the subject of "objectifying" men and women. Ultimately, you really are just objects. Collections of atoms and their constituents. I guess what I'm trying to say is you're all being pretty uppity and full of yourselves for a bunch of dust. inb42edgy4me

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      3 Replies
      • Man I really hate it when people tell me on some anonymous internet forum that I'm 5/10 attractive! It's not like I want attention when I put pictures of myself on here! I only expect nice people on here!

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        3 Replies
        • You're such a joke.. -_- This is disrespectful and disgusting.

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          17 Replies
          • Why must I continue to remain around this community? I am always called "Split-lip" or "Squid face", even the term "Elite" hurts me! My brothers, this must stop.

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            10 Replies
            • I wanna see YOUR male member.

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              • [i] [/i]

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                1 Reply
                • Edited by pawncrackers: 7/19/2013 11:35:23 PM
                  lol, how do you think women feel, when we are critiqued by men and told we're 'fat'? Welcome to my world. jeez.

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                • I stopped reading after the title. The title just makes me think this thread is about people making comments about the appearance of other people's penis's

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                • Being a white male is suffering.

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                • 10/10 Would read it again.

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                • >there are people on the flood RIGHT NOW that don't understand that the nature of appearance-based comments from men to men and from men to women are different I'm not going to say this is disgusting or offensive or anything like that, but it [i]is[/i] missing the point.

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                  4 Replies
                  • It's always depressing when girls walk past me in the streets and coo at my rock-hard abs when I'm walking around shirtless in the heat. DAMN IT, I'M A PERSON, NOT AN ITEM!

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                  • You must've been real bored of fapping to do this hahah!

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                  • this jacked up yet I cant stop laughing. You would topless zombie you would

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                    4 Replies
                    • White Knights attack!

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                    • Wait. You copied this from some lady.

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                      2 Replies
                      • This is pathetic

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                        • plagiarism

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                          3 Replies
                          • Are you seriously this bored? Like you must have had absolutely nothing better to do than copy someone's post and change some words. What were you hoping to gain from this?

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                            2 Replies
                            • Don't call me out!

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                              2 Replies
                              • What the hell? Am I having serious deja vu or something?

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