Lookin shredded bro. They all (especially verbatim) are Mirin. What's your routine and diet roughly? Just started a new routine myself. Whole body is aching and I bought I was pretty fit.
Well this isn't really a routine for a beginner (PM me if you want advice on that) but right now I'm doing a three day split, so... Day 1 - Chest/Triceps Days 2 - Back/Shoulders Day 3 - Legs/Biceps Day 4 - Rest Day Then repeat. But that's too intense for you just starting off, recommend you begin with a Starting Strength routine or something similar. Diet's pretty simple, just make sure not too much junkfood (still a little every now and then, it's okay) and at least 1g of protein/lb bodyweight. Bulking right now so lots of carbs, etc.