Ever wonder what the people back at Waypoint say about us people here at B.net? I mean most people here direct any fanboys to Waypoint and crack jokes about them about how they are "343 whores" or "Halo 4 fanboy". You think they call us "ignorant people that can't see how awesome Halo 4 is?". (And I tried my hardest not to use "l33t talcking" or whatever). So any of you guys want to go over to Waypoint to see how it is? Knowing this is a high risk mission you'll be we'll compensated. A reward of a pat on the back by "my -blam!-s I give about CoD" and payed by how much I think Halo 4 is amazing... [b]And if this is in the wrong section well what do you advise?[/b]
Edited by Mystical: 6/22/2014 9:33:20 PMI answered the calling a long time ago. Spoke the truth about issues on Halo 4 and players who were ignorant for saying crap like Halo 1-3 is bad yet they never played those great games. Wasn't afraid to call players out who knew jack about Halo or what skill and classic Halo was. For my truth they perma banned unjustly. Had an account there since 2011 with like 2k posts and they flagged my posts as 'non-constructive'.