Heyy everyone, and welcome to the first new installment of the Community Joes! Today's interview is about a man with a deep love of Brute culture(mostly their weapons), a deep love for a river (so much he stole its name), and a passion for video games. The man, the (former) myth(ic), I give you Hylebos.
CT: So, tell me about yourself. What's your name? Where do you come from? What are your dreams? Do these dreams benefit me in any way?
[quote]H: My name is Joseph; I'm a Senior Computer Science Student at Western Washington University. My dreams are a bit up in the air in the moment, but breaking into the game industry would be pretty cool, but no easy task and I need to be putting much more work into my studies to achieve that goal.[/quote]
CT: Indeed, it seems that making one's career in the gaming industry is a long and difficult path. But, with a little hard work and some fairy dust anything is possible.
So what brought you here to bungie.net way back when and what has kept you coming back? Friends? Hawt chix? Lame jokes? Foman's mom?
[quote]H: The first time I came to Bungie.net was in the aftermath of E3 2006. I was very impressed by the Halo 3 Teaser Trailer, and once I figured out there were amusing and witty weekly updates that contained tons of information about Halo 3, I started regularly visiting the website on Fridays to get the latest scoop on Halo. Initially I only came for news, but over time I started falling in love with the website, both with its strange humor ("I have a question for you, Robert Shaw") and the effort and details put into every article. I didn't actually visit the forums until after I had gotten Halo 3 for Christmas, I had heard there were statistics on the website so I created an account to better keep track of them, and I happened across the forums and I started posting. It's been five years and I still can't break the habit.[/quote]
CT: Habits are bad, bro. I'd refer to posting daily as a .."routine". So you like the strange humor, eh? Can you easily select one funny memory from b.net that you'll remember forever?
[quote]H: There's been countless shenanigans that have happened over the years, but a more recent and more amusing memory was the time that DeeJ was making a poll for the community to vote on the winner of the latest Mailsack Challenge, but something happened and he really screwed up the poll to the point where there were only three options for eight contestants and the poll was completely unsalvageable. We started to tease him for his error, so he edited his post to read "What, haven't you guys ever made a mistake before?" and locked the thread.
Weeks later though, I was chatting on Skype with a couple of friends and we came up with the amusing idea of getting a ton of people to favorite that thread so that it would end up on the top forum topics.
After Arbitor rounded up a large portion of the Mythic Group for the cause, we succeeded in getting it up on the Top Forum Topics, where it remained for about a day.
Then DeeJ completely edited the thread to become the now infamous "Request a Ban on a Mythic Member thread".
Good times.[/quote]
CT: I remember those threads! I replied to DeeJ's topic without realizing the mistake. I also replied the mythic member thread. My nomination? LOBSTER FISH 2. We'll get you, you bastard..
So, now that we get have all that formal crap out of the way, I want to know all about Hylebos.
Do you like pudding, Hylebos? Lumpy pudding?
Hylebos, when Destiny finally arrives on the shelves and you race to the store to pick it up what will be the first thing you do in the game?
I myself plan on having a dance off with any challanger willing to take me on (come at me, DeeJ).
[quote]H: I think my first character is going to be a Titan. I like the aesthetics and the general archetype of that class the best, and I have high hopes for the sort of special abillities we'll be able to use as Titans. I think my first goal would be to advance the main storyline to completion, either with friends or alone, to reduce the risk of seeing a spoiler while I'm on the forums. Not to mention, it sounds like a great way to acquire treasure which I can then turn around and use as I transition into the competitive multiplayer.[/quote]
CT: Sounds like a solid plan. I'll Titan with you, Spiker. We'll mow down enemies with the wrath of a thousand angry grunts.
Will you use your space magic for good, or for evil?
[quote]H: I'd like to say that I'm a good person, but whenever I play games more often than not my alignment leans towards true neutral. Being a good guy is nice and all, but spontaneous streaks of cruelty are far too amusing to pass up.[/quote]
CT: So what you're saying is you want to rescue the damsel in distress, but you also want to punch the other heroes in the balls so you get there first, right?
[quote]H: It's more that I'd like to rescue the Damsel in Distress, but then I'd push her off a ledge to see if she can swim in Lava. Perhaps it's the Computer Scientist side of me, but I like to see if I can break the game by doing unusual things sometimes.[/quote]
CT: She'll be fineeeeeeee. Well, that desire is a good thing. Hell it could get you a job as a tester. BAM. There's your way into the gaming industry. So since I helped you with that you'll give me blue flames, right?
[quote]H: Wouldn't that be amusing?[/quote]
CT: Don't you avoid answering that, I need those blue flames so my friends think I'm the coolest. Just a few more questions.
How have you been enjoying the new site? What is your favorite feature? What is your least favorite feature? Who is currently your favorite member? How many people have you muted? Have you muted me? Is there anything you wish you could change? Lastly, if you were a forum ninja what would your one-liner be when you ban people?
[quote]H: It took me a while at first to realize it, but Bungie.next is definitely better set up for the future than Bungie.old ever was. My favorite feature is definitely the ability to embed images and youtube links into our posts, it's a very versatile feature and I love doing new things with it. I don't have a least favorite feature per say, though certain areas of the website like Groups could definitely use more love, but I have faith that the webteam will continue to provide us with tools that we can use to make our Bungie.next experience our own as we head into the future.
I don't really have a favorite member, just a ton of people I respect and admire, and as for my mutes, I recently cleared out my list.
There are some rather annoying bugs that pop up every now and then, and naturally improved group functionality is something I'm very much looking forward to.
As for a one-liner? I'm not sure that I would have one, but perhaps Ba-BOMB? That's my linking one-liner that I've been using for a couple years now...[/quote]
CT: Ba-BOMB? I like it. Hylebro for master forum ninjas 2013 or bust.
Well, Hylebos thank you for the sweet interview and congrats on being the first one interviewed for the Community Joes 2.0. Any shout outs you'd like to give?
[quote]H: Sure. I'd like to give a shout out to Spawn, A 3 Legged Goat, Tom T, Breets, all of my followers and other cool people on the website, Bnet Regulars, Super Good Advice, and the rest of the groups I'm in.[/quote]
Welllll, that's the first one. You guys nominated him, and here it is. Did you enjoy it? Did you not enjoy it? Leave some feedback and I'll painstakingly sort through all of the hurtful insults to find some ways to improve what you don't care for (only half kdding).
For now, [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Groups/Post?id=61111903&groupId=15804]keep those nominations coming[/url]. They fuel these interviews and keep them burning (praise the sun!).
Next week, we'll interview a man who needs some new hobbies. See you next Thursday.
[Also forgot to post this from the group. Won't Happen again.]
Hey I thought I was the first of the new interviews...