Ever wonder what the people back at Waypoint say about us people here at B.net? I mean most people here direct any fanboys to Waypoint and crack jokes about them about how they are "343 whores" or "Halo 4 fanboy". You think they call us "ignorant people that can't see how awesome Halo 4 is?". (And I tried my hardest not to use "l33t talcking" or whatever). So any of you guys want to go over to Waypoint to see how it is? Knowing this is a high risk mission you'll be we'll compensated. A reward of a pat on the back by "my -blam!-s I give about CoD" and payed by how much I think Halo 4 is amazing... [b]And if this is in the wrong section well what do you advise?[/b]
The b.net is playing pretend! It's like we're /b/ and Waypoint is 9gag!