For me personally, a great game is a game that I cannot stop playing. It's a game that keeps me playing all night until I either beat it, or I succumb to sleep. A great game makes me forget about eating, and drinking, and everything else in life. A great game keeps you focused on one thing, and one thing only...beating the game.
When a game captivates you so much, that you'll put everything else on hold just to beat it, you know it's great. Fortunately for me I have only played two games that fit my definition of greatness. Those games are KOTOR, and The Last of Us. Now I'm just focusing on single player games here, multiplayer is an entirely different beast. I've spent countless nights staying up for hours playing Halo 2 and Halo 3.
Well guys that's my definition of a great game. Now it's your turn. What makes a game great in your opinion?
Any game that makes my keep thinking of it when Im not playing.
When time absolutely flies by and before you realize it its 3am somehow.
I usually don't know a game is great till it's over. I should look back over the experience and see that from where it started to where it ends has really felt like a journey.
when you cant stop playing it and when your sad because you finished the game
When after I'm done, I remember it. If the game had enough of an impact that I can recall major plot points, unique gameplay, and little bits and pieces about the world.
When the game world is one you want to keep coming back to and it allows your imagination to run wild about what else could be out there
when my only complaints are nitpicks
When you're having fun.
When you are not a loner.
When you can't pry yourself away for even a second.
When halo 4 isn't in the title.
When the DLC in the game feels like it's been made exactly for you :P (I'm looking at you, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon keep!) Seriously, that DLC just has my name written all over it, it's just so me!
When it doesn't feel like work.
When I stop sleeping, eating and talking to people.
I know im playing a great game when i can actually manage to play it more than 30 minutes with out having to take a break.
When I feel like playing it, and nothing else for extended periods of time.
>Completed Beyond Good & Evil HD "That was a great game!"
I know when the game was made by Bungie
The new Tomb Raider had that feeling,i played it from 18:00h to 07:00h in the morning.I didnt do anything than wanted to complete it.Sadly Halo 4 didnt had it
When I get hard
How do I know when I'm playing a great game? Buying the DLC. I've only purchased DLC for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Great games. I can't stop playing them.
When the clock goes from 3pm to 7pm in 10 minutes.
Much like a good movie... If I spend my free time looking up things about the game after I complete (music, videos, tricks, live streams, guides, etc...) then I most likely consider it a great game.
When I become totally immersed in the story
When I'm immersed in the story, gameplay, or universe.
When you feel reluctant to play through the endgame because you want the awesomeness to continue. Also, when the game is entertaining and in-depth enough that you are willing to scour every nook and cranny for collectables that provide background on the story. Bioshock Infinite and possibly the original Bioshock ticked both of those boxes for me.