[quote]Nick Burton, lead of new technology at Rare, introduced the topic of Kinect, and how the fidelity had not been "quite there" in the previous generation. It could track about 20 points on the body. The Xbox One is about 10x the resolution of the current version and can read the folds in your face and discriminate among your fingers even at 3 meters. Hand positions can now be read for better fidelity in bowling and rock climbing games. The team have even created a target shooting game that uses your hand and eye positions in place of an actual light gun.
As amazing as that is, Nick had even more surprises. He showed a Kinectic produced mask of his own face that can the be mapped to in-game models. Rather than the gamer pic versions of yourself in games like Rainbow Six, you can now import your own face geometry and even your BMI onto character models in the games. The whole game also tracks your face during gameplay and will reproduce your real life facial expressions on the in game models.
All these features are so-called system level features and will be available to any game that chooses to use them.[/quote]
That actually sounds pretty cool.
And watch, because everyone are a bunch of whiny little bitches the feature is gonna be called "creepy" or "MUH RIGHTS R BEIN VIOLATED WAAAH" just like the other features with the X1. It's gonna happen.
That's creepy.
*Disclaimer: Only works for white people.
I find this more scary than amazing.
Rainbow Six Patriots better still be a game when Xbox One comes out. Or Ubisoft will have hell to pay.
LOL YES, SO MUCH YES! *Wondering what i could do* Well sure taking a picture of you is great but what about other things like animals? Imagine little dog people running around.
[quote]That's creepy.[/quote]Sums it up perfectly. The more and more they talk about what the kinect 2.0 can do the less and less I actually want one in my room.
can't people control the kinect sensor if voice commands are left on, and the person has the party play through the speakers. This will also be a bigger problem if everyone has to speak by default through kinect. I remember doing that to a friend of mine by saying Xbox off.
3D scans of your face would be interesting for character customization. *cough* Destiny *cough*
Well, if it works like they say it works it would be pretty cool.
I would love to play as myself in a game
Prepare for tons of fat soldiers and Spartans running around in next-gen Call of Duty and Halo.
[quote]you can now import your own face geometry and even your BMI onto character models in the games.[/quote] Oh gawd.
...and then the NSA uses this to build a complete profile of you since they suspect every single American citizen ever of wanting to shoot up a school...
Very interesting. I hated the first kinect but this one actually looks useable. I cant even imagine what the 3rd gen kinect will be
But can it do all that with black people?
That actually sounds pretty badass. But what if I got incredibly obese and grew a neck beard? Would Kinect still recognize me?
Now here comes everyone saying that kinect is a gimmick
Edited by Green Twister: 7/23/2013 3:11:29 PMI want privacy thank you very much and just play the game. But the idea is cool i agree.
Im for sure gonna get an Xbox now.
But I just want to play bf4 with a controller..
I think the video in the link explains it better.
It does sound interesting. Brings some cool ideas too mind.
that is pretty cool but i cant get the image of a bunch of fat kids running around in game pointing they're fingers at each other going pew pew.