[quote]The White House is urging Congress to reject an attempt to stop the National Security Agency (NSA) collecting Americans' phone records.
With a key vote coming up, President Barack Obama's spokesman said curbs on the NSA would "hastily dismantle" a vital counter-terrorism tool.
NSA chief Gen Keith Alexander spent Tuesday lobbying Congressmen to vote against the proposed measure.
Critics say NSA phone data collection is an unwarranted invasion of privacy.
House of Representatives Republican Congressman Justin Amash has introduced an amendment to a defence spending bill, which would block funding for the NSA's programme to collect details of every call made by or to a US phone. [/quote]
Yea our porn might be blocked (Unless asked otherwise) but at we can talk without worrying who is listening.
How do you feel about being monitored without any good reason?
My question is has obama really done anything he said he was going to do?
Edited by Infiltrat0rN7: 7/25/2013 4:13:05 AMGetting real tired of your shit Obama I don't feel good getting monitored ESPECIALLY because my ethnicity is going to be the one to get profiled the most
[quote]How do you feel about being monitored without any good reason?[/quote] Not good in the least. What ever happened to a country not run by a greedy, overly-large government? They have and are continuously overstepping their bounds.
I don't see why privacy is such a problem its the government they arnt going to steal our credit card info. Who cares if they hear about that late night sex you had with your girl/boyfriend or whatever your talking about they certainly don't.
Lol obama.
[quote]but at we can talk without worrying who is listening. [/quote]Prove that your government isn't doing the exact same thing, you extremist asshole.
>NSA started in 2001 >Obama gets flak for it starting 7 years before his term started inb4 MUH FERDUMS R BEIN VIULATED LETS IMPEACH OBAMA AND STERT A RIVULOOSHONARY WAR BECAZ 'MURIKAH!
who gives a shit? if youve got nothing to hide get the fuk over it! muricans... still think they are free people. pfffft
And Obama defending NSA stalking is new since...
Edited by Master Chief: 7/25/2013 12:51:30 AMAre you implying that people in European countries aren't being spied upon either?
Citizens! Why do people think that spelling and grammar don't matter on the internet? I can't take people seriously when I see such an obvious error.
Edited by Vicex: 7/25/2013 12:45:01 AMThe British have a very similar [url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/jun/21/gchq-cables-secret-world-communications-nsa]programme[/url]...
We need to fight back.
And everyone in the UK is obsessing about a baby and no more porn.
Edited by DocSmurf: 7/25/2013 12:29:57 AM> not knowing that there are only 4 monitoring ports per trunk. > not knowing that there are only 21 monitoring ports per office. > thinking the system actually supports unwarrented tapping > considering your phone metadata important personal information TOP LEL Take it from a guy who knows the industry.
So, can we just admit the terrorists, by definition, won at this point?
Edited by K1lLL ST3AL: 7/25/2013 12:15:07 AM[quote]Yea our porn might be blocked (Unless asked otherwise) but at we can talk without worrying who is listening. [/quote] >implying NSA isn't spying on Brits as well, especially considering how closely the two nations are >implying MI6/SIS isn't doing something similar also: ITT: people who don't know about a FISA. It was also used for US Customs on the border to prevent drug dealers from bringing in product in the 1990s. And please lonepaul, get off the queen's dick.
Land of the free they say
Just use a keyword right before you start talking about something normal. "Dirty bomb. So I was wondering where you were. I was going to see about getting some people together and heading to town for food. You in ?" We get enough people doing this, it will be like Seinfeld Radio.
Guilty until proven innocent.
the FISA court rubberstamped most anything NSA wanted so claiming they have warrants with any merit is laughable
I agree with the Wall Street Journal on this issue: [quote]'Big Brother' and Big Data: The alternative to automated sweeps is more privacy invasion.[/quote] [quote]Over the last 72 hours Americans have learned more about the National Security Agency's surveillance programs, whose quasi-exposure appears to be a bombshell without a bomb. The political reaction is no saner as a result, but perhaps reality and substance will eventually prevail. President Obama emerged to defend the NSA on Friday, noting that his assessment of the programs that originated under his predecessor was "that on, you know, net, it was worth us doing" because "they help us prevent terrorist attacks." He also invited a debate about how we are "striking this balance between the need to keep the American people safe and our concerns about privacy, because there are some trade-offs involved." Mr. Obama is conceding too much to the folks who imagine the government is compiling dossiers on citizens and listening to calls a la "The Lives of Others." The NSA is collecting "metadata"—logs of calls received and sent, and other types of data about data for credit card transactions and online communications. Americans now generate a staggering amount of such information—about 161 exabytes per year, equal to the information stored in 37,000 Libraries of Congress. Organizing and making sense of this raw material is now possible given advances in information technology, high-performance computing and storage capacity. The field known as "big data" is revolutionizing everything from retail to traffic patterns to epidemiology. Mr. Obama waved off fears of "Big Brother" but he might have mentioned that the paradox of data-mining is that the more such information the government collects the less of an intrusion it is. These data sets are so large that only algorithms can understand them. The search is for trends, patterns, associations, networks. They are not in that sense invasions of individual privacy at all. If the NSA isn't scrubbing vast amounts of data, then it can't discover who is potentially a threat. The alternative to automated sweeps is more pervasive use of lower-tech methods like wiretaps, tracking and searches—in a word, invasions of persons rather than statistical probabilities. The political attack on data-mining could increase rather than alleviate the risk to individual rights. We also know that this entire process is flyspecked by the special court created by the 2008 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, which was most recently amended in December with little controversy or even media notice. Our view is that FISA is an encroachment on core executive war powers, but weren't FISA judges supposed to be the check on President Bush and his mad spymasters? Liberals claimed the scandal over "warrantless wiretaps" was about the warrants, not the wiretaps. Now that they have the warrants they're denouncing the wiretaps. We've also learned through some very sketchy reporting about another NSA program code-named Prism. This appears to be an adaptation of the Bush-era program that intercepted foreign-to-foreign calls that happened to pass through U.S. switching networks. Mr. Obama says it is only aimed at foreigners. Prism appears to be designed to retrieve foreign communications like emails and digital files from major technology companies. Though the Washington Post and the Guardian newspaper reported otherwise, the NSA says it doesn't have direct access to the servers of these providers and they only turn over information about foreign targets located outside the U.S. when ordered to do so by the FISA court. While some information on Americans is inevitably grabbed, court-approved "minimization" procedures are designed to limit and dispose of that collection—and disseminating it is prohibited. The more coherent critics concede that all of this is legal and constitutional but say it is nonetheless an amorphous infringement of civil liberties. Like any government power, it can be abused. But note that Edward Snowden, the 29-year-old who proudly claims he exposed these surveillance programs, has provided no evidence of their abuse. U.S. officials say NSA's data-mining uncovered the Najibullah Zazi plot to bomb the New York City subway, while critics insinuate that this might be a lie because the details are "classified." We agree too much is classified but in this case that is so terrorists don't know how we might catch them. What our self-styled civil libertarians should really fear is another successful terror attack like 9/11, or one with WMD. Then the political responses could include biometric national ID cards, curfews, surveillance drones over the homeland, and even mass roundups of ethnic or religious groups. Practices like data-mining save lives, and in doing so they protect against far greater intrusions on individual freedom.[/quote]
[quote]Yea our porn might be blocked (Unless asked otherwise) but at we can talk without worrying who is listening. [/quote] No coz the NSA spies on us too