I've been a fan of the series since the original back in 2007 and subsequently loved II and Brotherhood. Haven't played Revelations yet, but it seems like that was a good thing to do from what I heard. ACIII no doubt was a let down. I can't pinpoint where exactly, but it just was for me as well. I guess the scenary since I absolutely loved the settings of the past games. I was extremely skeptical when I heard about Black Flag and from what I had seen at E3 didn't make it look any better or call my attention. Until this.
I must say Black Flag is look pretty damn good. Dozens of times better than I thought it was going to be. It has actually piqued my interest about the game. I'm not to sure if I'll end up getting it, but I must say, bravo with the game. That was an impressive demo.
What'd you guys think of the demo?
I just pretend it's not even an Assassin's Creed game, just a new adventure/action game. If it has a different name I can still enjoy it.