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Are just gods way of seeing if people know what Semordnilap are?
Dogs can't look up.
Why is this in #gaming
Then God has licked my nut sack...
Edited by Indominus: 1/4/2014 5:05:06 AMBesides God names the last animal Dog. A fine semordnilap
Edited by DarkSpyda04: 7/26/2013 3:55:28 PMHeh. I see what you did there. Did you get the idea for this thread from that episode of American Dad last night and then wondered what the word "palindrome" mean't? Then you got so excited that you learned a new word so you made a thread about it? It happens. Sneppah ti. Ti tuoba dearth a edam uoy os drow wen a denrael uoy taht deticxe os tog uoy neht? T'naem "emordnilap" drow eht tahw derednow neht dna thgin tsal Dad Nacirema fo edosipe taht morf daerht siht rof aedi eht teg uoy did?
Hahaha I roffled I like this thread.
Edited by Kafuu Chino: 7/25/2013 10:06:56 PM[quote]Semordnilap: A word, phrase, or sentence that has the property of forming another word, phrase, or sentence when its letters are reversed.[/quote]
I... What?
We gave the animal the name "dog", which just happened to be a palindrome of god. For all we know, we could be calling our canine friends fibbledops.
[quote]Are just gods way of seeing if people know what Semordnilap are?[/quote]
Edited by rat lord: 7/25/2013 4:28:46 PMThis whole thread is wrong. Palindromes are a sequence of symbols that communicate the same meaning regardless of which direction they are read in. For example, this song is composed entirely of palindromes.
I get it. But God is not a palindrome, and neither is this thread. Nice try though.
Palindromes, lol
could be
Ha, took me a second to get it.