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originally posted in: What Are Your Views On Marijuana?
7/26/2013 9:26:59 AM
As can I, and no, Verbatim can not have a reasonable or civil conversation. I'm not certain about you, yet, but you're quickly convincing me you can not as well. The moron is you. I am the only adult here.

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  • Yes he can, he's just quick to be aggravated by idiots like you. You never bring anything new to the table; all you do is recycle the same old "lol soda, weed is good for everyone" shit in every thread. You make absurd claims not founded in reality, then when people call you out on it and ask for proof you resort to circular "I said it therefore it must be true" logic. You can't debate for shit, you lack intelligence to fully comprehend and respond to posts, and your lack of mental maturity is painfully obvious to actual adults. You are a moron. Shut the fuk up and get the fuk out.

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  • You changed your name to "You?" Obviously, because you're the only idiot here. I bring reason to the table backed by facts. I've never said soda was good, I said the opposite. Clearly you can not read nor comprehend my posts which you have just proven. Cannabis has many benefits and therapeutic effects. Listen, squirt, you're talking to someone that works for a dispensary I guarantee I know more about this than you. My claims are not absurd, yours are. I have proven my claims many times. I can debate perfectly fine, which is why I always prove you wrong which is why you've stopped arguing and simply resorted to poor insults that only apply to yourself because of how blind you choose to be. I am far more mature than you and am an adult, unlike you. The one lacking intelligence is obviously you. You're talking to yourself now? Well, practice what you preach and shut up then.

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  • [quote]I've never said soda was good, I said the opposite.[/quote]There's that reading comprehension problem popping it's head up yet again. [quote]Clearly you can not read nor comprehend my posts which you have just proven.[/quote]False conclusion bought about by the aforementioned lack of reading comprehension. [quote]Cannabis has many benefits and therapeutic effects.[/quote]I have never said anything to the contrary. [quote]Listen, squirt, you're talking to someone that works for a dispensary I guarantee I know more about this than you[/quote]Diminutive, dubious, unverifiable claim that is completely irrelevant to the discussion. What does you working for a dispensary have to do with people abusing marijuana? [quote]I can debate perfectly fine,[/quote]No you can't [quote]which is why I always prove you wrong[/quote]We agree on 90% of the issues surrounding marijuana. When you do disagree, it's because you make an absurdly unverifiable claim that you never back with facts. [quote]simply resorted to poor insults that only apply to yourself[/quote]"I know you are, I said you are, so what am I?" [quote]how blind you choose to be[/quote]Last I checked, I'm not the one claiming weed doesn't ruin lives You suck

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  • For you, yes, for making a false claim. Except I was correct. You've still needlessly humiliated and embarrassed yourself many times and proven you're not properly educated on this subject. I'm beginning to feel sorry for you. I have done extensive research on the topic, and I was never discussing people abusing cannabis. I am highly against such behavior. I am against the abuse of any substance. Period. What is irrelevant is many of your false assumptions about me. Yes, which is why I have destroyed your arguments, or lack thereof. I can easily say this about you, the difference would be I am correct. Nothing I've stated has been absurd and I easily can back up. You are a sad person. Because that's true. Cannabis doesn't ruin lives, irresponsibility does. Only on big female booties, thank you.

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  • [quote]For you, yes, for making a false claim.[/quote]What false claim? All I said was that in every weed related topic you regurgitate the same redundant shit. It's always "UHH, how can you not like weed when you drink soda blah blah blah" There was no claim there, only an observation of how predictable you are [quote]Except I was correct.[/quote]No you weren't. See above [quote]You've still needlessly humiliated and embarrassed yourself many times .[/quote]In your eyes, maybe. In the eyes of people whose opinions actually matter you're the one constantly embarrassing yourself. [quote]Yes, which is why I have destroyed your arguments, or lack thereof.[/quote]No. Saying you destroyed an argument without actually arguing anything seems to be your forte. It's tantamount to saying "Nope, you're wrong because I said you're wrong. Get destroyed, kid, my arguing skills are superior to yours as you can see by me saying I destroyed you." That is what we intelligent people call a logical fallacy. [quote]Nothing I've stated has been absurd and I easily can back up.[/quote]Let's see it then. Show me this proof you have. In case you haven't realised yet, which I'm sure you haven't, we're not actually debating anything here. All I'm doing is pointing out how dumb you are. [quote]Because that's true. Cannabis doesn't ruin lives, irresponsibility does.[/quote]Bravo! You finally comprehended what I have been saying all along. Can you shut the fuk up now?

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  • You have made many false claims. I saw, and I was correct. Except anyone with rationality clearly sees you're the fool here. Except I proved you wrong. You have no intelligence, nor logic. What would you like me to prove? We have been debating, you've simply done a poor job. Except that's not what you were saying. At least you finally realize you were incorrect.

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  • [quote]You have made many false claims[/quote]Whether I have made false claims in the past or not (I haven't) is irrelevant. YOU misinterpreted what I said about soda, YOU continued to argue about it after I said you were wrong, and YOU still haven't realised it even after I pretty much spelled out why you were wrong for a third time. Go back to school. [quote]I saw, and I was correct.[/quote]Again, no you're not. I told you why, stop being thick and read what the fuk it is I've said. Go back and re-read this sub-thread if you have to. [quote]Except anyone with rationality clearly sees you're the fool here.[/quote]No they don't. Nobody agrees with you ever, even when you're right because everyone thinks you're a moron. [quote]Except I proved you wrong. [/quote]No, you never proved shit ever. All you do is say people are wrong because of arguments you made in the past, but you never made any arguments; they don't exist. Many people have said the same thing about your circular reasoning and logical fallacies, I'm not the first. [quote]What would you like me to prove?[/quote]That marijuana abuse isn't ruining peoples lives. [quote]Except that's not what you were saying. At least you finally realize you were incorrect.[/quote]Except that is what I was saying, you're just too fuking stupid to understand unless someone spells it out for you

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  • It is relevant, and you made many in this very thread. I have misinterpreted nothing, you've simply made bogus claims. Now you're just talking about yourself, which makes this much more pathetic for you. I am correct. You're simply incapable of understanding this fact. The one that should read this thread over is you, you're the only one here that is confused. Yes they do. People often agree with me. That is simply another false claim of yours of many you have foolishly made here which humiliates you. Except I have, you're simply too far behind to keep up. I have made many arguments here and can back all of them up. Who has said this? You're the first person I've seen make this unproven claim. The one going in circles is you, I'm afraid. You've made this entirely too easy and do my work for me by proving yourself wrong. Why would I try to prove something that is false? It's just simply not the fault or cause of cannabis, it's the fault of the individual's mental state. The one that is stupid is you, and now you don't even know what you are talking about. I really feel bad for you now. You can't genuinely be this stupid, I hope.

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  • Edited by Noooooooooooobus: 7/26/2013 11:11:36 AM
    Do you read what you type before you post it? All you do is say "I am right because I say I am right, as evidenced by me saying I am right.", and then you take the other persons argument and turn it around without adding anything new or relevant and make claims of them being wrong without actually stating why they are wrong. If you submitted this as a debate at school I would give you an F because you're not debating anything. It's all just words that don't form anything coherent. You don't even understand what circular reasoning is, otherwise you wouldn't argue the way do. [quote]It's just simply not the fault or cause of cannabis, it's the fault of the individual's mental state.[/quote]DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I AM NOT SAYING CANNABIS IS THE CAUSE, I AM SAYING THEY ARE ABUSING IT You are so fuking stupid. I am done. Go ahead, claim some victory here, anybody reading through this will come to a completely different conclusion. from the one you derive.

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  • Indeed, I do, obviously you do not or you would refrain from embarrassing yourself. I simply say I am right when I am after proving morons like you wrong. You've presented no argument, only petty insults and unfounded claims because even you know you're wrong, you're just too sore and cowardly to admit it and accept defeat. I have stated many times why you are wrong, you're just too blind to accept it. The one not debating is you, the one that needs school is you. You are being incoherent. The one using circular reasoning, or lack thereof, is you. You have said it was the cause several times, you're just contradicted yourself, hypocrite. At least you are once again admitting you have been wrong this entire time. The one that is stupid is you, you're even too dumb to easily bypass the filter. Anyone with reason already knows you're the fool.

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  • I literally pointed out exactly how you would respond, and you failed to disappoint. It was easy as shit too, all I had to do was state why you suck at arguing, and then sit back and watch you do exactly what I predicted. Congratulations, you proved yourself a moron. Watch, I'll do it again. [quote]Posted by: Camnator "No, you suck at arguing. You are the moron here, not me[/quote] You are an idiot. Case closed. [quote]Posted by: Camnator "No, you're an idiot.[/quote]

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  • You'e gone incoherent again. I've never needed to respond, you've proven yourself wrong from the start with contradictions, I've just been trying to explain why you are wrong and you just can't get it. The one that can't argue is you, and it makes it sadder you constantly lose to someone you falsely claim can't argue. The idiot is you.

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  • HA! You did it again! Moron. Keep it up, this is fuking hilarious. So predictable, you're a one track record

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  • The moron is you, and you have proven that many times. I am laughing at you, you can continue your embarrassment as long as you please. It just makes it much sadder for you. You are one of the most pathetic beings I have spoken to. You have no track, because you're incapable of forming a thought.

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  • You're literally responding to my every word instead of taking in the message as whole and formulating a response. I'm imagining you scrolling up and down every second word you type, goddamn this is cracking me up. Please, don't stop, you just dig yourself deeper every post

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  • Because that is all the response a fool like you deserves. You're not even coherent and can't even make a point. I'd be laughing at you if it wasn't so sad. Literally every post you make only further humiliates you, it's pathetic. You're so sour and sore instead of admitting you were wrong you've gone this childish. You really have some major problems I don't think even cannabis could correct.

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  • Have you actually said something that wasn't a direct copy of something I've said yet?

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  • I've proven you wrong with every post, the one copying is you.

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  • It's like you're really 5 years old

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  • 22, but a five year old could probably also outsmart you.

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