Just hear me out guys. I think this whole thing around the Xbox One was intentional.
They go into E3, slowly releasing information that people don't like, policies that almost no gamer could agree with, and this is all something that Sony can use to their advantage. As we enter E3, gamers are FUMING from the blunder of a show that Microsoft put up, and the crowds roar in admiration as Sony sweeps the floor clean with Microsoft.
But as the dusts settles after E3, Microsoft slowly takes back each policy they had originally implemented. Slowly and surly, just enough to keep themselves in the news. And now, we are at a matching point, with Microsoft and Sony almost toe to toe in the next gen console.
But through all of the backlash and flak that Microsoft suffered, they were able to burry the one true selling point that Sony could easily win with.
Price. In today's day and age, nothing is more important in your product's competition than the price it costs in relation to other companies. And if this was the ONLY difference between the two consoles, Microsoft would have never won.
BUT they have a chance now, because everyone was too busy with the policies. Now Microsoft seems like the good guys, giving everything back to the gamers.
So that's the conspiracy. They wanted to cover up the price difference. And the main thing is that Sony can't go around parading the fact that they are cheaper, because they fell into the trap of the policies. Sony is too busy being all high and mighty after E3, they won't even see what's happening until the sales start to roll in.
What say you?
Well the price is the biggest factor in it for me. I don't want to pay an extra £80 for a console with a bunch of useless features (to me) and with no exclusives worth buying it for (imo) £350 is still a lot of money but it seems better value than the Xbone.