You guy's know our favorite Japanese-American character in MGS? and how in MGS V he looks hell bent on revenge?
How him and Big Boss want Cipher blood and "No greater good. No just cause". but in the Zanzibar Land Disturbance Kaz has left Big Boss and even goes so far to calling him a "monster" and wanted Solid Snake to defeat Big Boss. What happened between the two best friends that caused this tension?
Well rev up those feels engines because MGS V is not only going to be about Big Boss turning evil it's going to also be about the upcoming unsettling relations between the two.
In the Red Band Trailer Kaz is show to done a 180 in his personality and only want's revenge. He is not "Peace" Miller, He is Hell Miller but what happened to the person that wanted to help out his mother in a struggling Japan? to the person who wanted to help a struggling nation over a girl named "Peace"? This person isn't going to walk away and get replaced by Hell Miller.When Naked Snake starts to truly become "Punished Snake", "Peace" Miller is going to come out of his shell like "Wait what we are doing is wrong".
So once that Punished Snake comes out it's hole. Peace is going to flee.
Going to flee?