[url=http://www.maximumpc.com/microsoft_steps_its_game_offering_unlimited_cloud_storage_xbox_one_console2013]Source (Maximum PC)[/url]
Neato, oh and you don't need an XBL Gold account to access the unlimited cloud storage.
I never stored a thing on the Xbox 360 cloud server and if for some reason I had an Xbox One I wouldn't use cloud service there either. I don't even use cloud on steam save for uploading screenshots to show friends but I have them all locally saved and if I wanted could host them on my own image server if I wanted. I have zero use for cloud. If for some reason I was in a location that I needed my steam save files or Xbox saves (why I'd play on another console/pc that isn't mine makes no sense, but for hypothetical purposes) I'd bring a hard drive. I don't trust cloud services and like to have all my files at my fingertips already not relying on some external service that may corrupt everything. I enjoy not always having to rely on the internet because when the internet goes down or something I can keep on playing.
"Unlimited". In other words, Microsoft won't care until somebody starts filling in the order of terabytes of space. "Unlimited" cloud storage is only unlimited until you fill it. In other words: until it's not profitable to the provider anymore.
I mean it's for save files so it's not that big of a deal. I doubt people used that 500MB they gave on the 360.
I'm really hoping this doesn't bite them in the ass.
Edited by TFOcelot: 7/29/2013 9:15:51 PMI'm going to take a guess and say that they're probably not going to allow you to store DLC in the cloud, which is really all I would put in there besides a copy of my profile. This is good news for all of those people that bought videos and music through xbox live though.
Edited by Friendlystu: 7/30/2013 4:51:02 PMSeems like everyone forgetting something here hmm what could it be. Thats right you need to be connected always to access the save file right? So what happens when the servers are down?
Explain to me what cloud is.
That's cool, but people, start being consistent. Unlimited storage through the cloud? Sweet! Having to be always connected? Bahumbug, that sucks! To access your storage in the cloud you have to be connected.
lol people think they can put large downloads in the cloud and use it.
This is fuggin' awesome, however I still place my faith in physical hard drives. Much more reliable.
Edited by realdomdom: 7/30/2013 9:37:42 PMIt's not even for any type of content, just XBL stuff. And things like games, movies, tv shows and music are already in the cloud. So that just leaves us with a (not really) unlimited number of game saves (or things like Halo theatre files) in the cloud.
Were it so easy...
It just keeps on getting better and better.
i doubt there is unlimited cloud storage
Finally! A place for all my porn!
Microsoft will also massage your feet so you can forget about their lunatic marketing ideas.
more incentive for Microsoft to remember to renew their SSL certificates.
That's spectacular. No more stupid profile on a USB hullabaloo.
*queue emperor* UNLIMITED POWER!!! That's pretty neat.
so i won't have to worry about how big my game downloads are? sweeeeet.
Unlimited storage? This...this is awesome. Good 'o M$.
Really? Damn, that's awesome.
I like how the first comment I saw on the article was somebody complaining about no backwards compatibility. The things people don't understand.
People don't actually realize what a value this is. For example, a site such as Dropbox offers 500 GB for one year for $500.
Don't care. Only retards support a greedy company like M$. PS4 > Shitbox One
That's Amazing! especially because we only had about 500 MB on the Xbox 360 is I remember right. Guess this means we'll never need to change out our hard drives?