So? How would you respond to a woman like this if she starting arguing this to you IRL?
I'm curious.
No, this is an example of a hardcore, retarded feminist
It's because of these type of people that the world is going to shit.
Edited by PVBeachin: 12/4/2014 4:32:38 AMWow, just wow. And I don't think that breast feeding would make girls any more physically stronger. I think that's it just that guys seem to try more to be stronger. I bet she just doesn't like men because no one ever liked her or something. She doesn't deserve to have kids, and no one would want to have to deal with her anyway.
Edited by ayy lmao: 12/4/2014 4:07:39 AM[b] [/b]
>mfw 56 people agree with her I've seen this image on 4Chan countless times but it never fails to piss me off.
"I'm not going to talk to you about this"
Lol @ circumcision removing sexual pleasure.
The bitch is strong in this one
What saddens me more is the amount of likes she has. Does she even realizes that humanity goes extinct if we apply her "logic"? But what are we going to do, world is full of idiots and dumb bitches.
[quote]AIN'T NO ONE SUCKIN DESE' TITTIES[/quote] tl;dr
250 replies in a sub thread? Jesus -blam!-ing Christ, guys. but OT: This bitch has no clue what feminism is.
I would raype her for the lulz.
[b] [/b]
I have to believe somebody like that is simply trying to troll people. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they really aren't that stupid.
56 likes, 1243 comments on her post. I'm guessing that was 1100 people calling her a dumbass and 143 posts defending her. Rather than be mad, I am gladdened by this. If she had 1243 likes, then I wouldn't want to live on this planet any more.
*sees that thread has 300+ replies* Oh this looks pretty popular let me see what all the fuss is about. *walks into thread* *sub-thread has 200+ replies* Dis gonna be good. *grabs popcorn*
why is the facebook interface in Spanish? Dafuq is 'Me Gusta?'
Edited by magicmagininja: 6/23/2020 12:55:56 AMcringe
How could she breastfeed while making my sandwiches all day? And how would she get formula. There's no grocery store in the kitchen.
I agree with fat man but this bitch needs to calm her tits.
That's not even feminism anymore. That's straight sexism. Not breastfeeding your son in order to make him weaker and empower women is child neglect and a prime example of why no one respects feminists anymore. If she started arguing with me, I don't know if I'd be laughing at her the whole time or if I'd just throw her out a fifth story window.
Edited by BerzerkCommando: 7/31/2013 12:01:16 PMI love how the cunt is saying she would hardly support the baby if it's a boy. But she's forgetting in order to get pregnant in the first place it has to be done by a man. So she would hate having a boy, but she would have sex with the sex she hates in order to get pregnant. She can use donor sperm, but that still requires the act of a man in order to produce it.
Move on Citizen, I'm on official sith business.
That isn't feminism, that's juts sexism and extreme amounts of stupid..... Oh wait....
The only possible response is to immediately stick it in her pooper. Then kill her with fire, and nuke her from orbit. Then do a barrel roll.
Well, no accounting for BITCHES BE CRAY!