originally posted in:Danger Gang
Just wondering do you guys think there will be some special dlc for preordering destiny at a certain store? Or any dlc for preordering?
Bumpity Bump
I hope there isn't. I don't like DLC exclusive. It's just a way for the games company to seek mutie copies to the same person. Exploiting the loyalty of there fans. I would rather 100% of DLC be available to all players on both consoles. I hope that this exclusive deal that Sony has with bungie/activation is a times exclusive and Xbox players get it 30 days later. Oh and before you say anything I'm getting a ps4 and I think it sucks that Xbox players are being penalised for the brand loyalty. Give all players access to the same DLC at the same time please
There better -blam!-ing not.
I don't think I'd mind if there is PS4 exclusive content, as long as it is timed. I see nothing wrong with the timed DLC - just because the Xbox One users (of which I will be one) get something a month after the PS4 users do, it doesn't make it any less valuable. All people will get the same experience, and if Sony are paying money to have the DLC on their console exclusively for a little while, then so be it. The extra money for Bungie can help make the entire experience better for everyone. If the DLC is actually solely exclusive to the PS4, then I think Bungie might have a problem with it's fanbase. A huge portion of the Bungie fans are primarily Xbox users, and with the nature of the gaming community and industry as it currently stands, Xbox fans will feel like they've been left in the dark. It's not easy to simply afford both consoles in order to have to option to choose, and a lot of people still feel loyal to one company over the other (which is a shame, I think console bias is outdated), so even if they did have the money they wouldn't want to spend it to buy a slightly improved copy of essentially the same game. I'm all for bettering the experience and Bungie's funds if it mean progression, but not if it's at the cost of creating superior versions of the game on separate consoles. It doesn't seem fair. I have faith that Bungie won't make any major DLC, like extra gameplay, exclusive to one console. Armor aesthetics and other such trivial things, they can make as exclusive as they want - it doesn't change the game's experience.
I hope it is a universal DLC for all pre orders.
I'm getting Destiny on the PS4, and I do hope there is a special pre-order bonus. For me I would want a gun, or maybe a costume, but not much. At E3 Sony confirmed we'll get exclusive DLC. I think that has already ruined the experience for the game on Xbox. I think the least it should be is timed exclusive DLC for the PS4
No no no please god NO.
Pre order the collectors edition and get access to the engeneer class that can upgrade ships, build turrets, robot dogs, mod weapons, and tinker with the ghosts.
Special dlc, nah that's too much. Maybe a special cloak or some sort of in-game title. Not a new chapter with a new region, that would be stupid.
Honestly the most sensible DLC store exclusive content I can see would be cloaks, or armor that is colored to said store.
Edited by ridum: 8/13/2013 8:19:45 AMI have NEVER thought 'exclusive x' was good for ANY GAME. When you buy a game, everyone should get THAT GAME. This 'manipumarketing' BS buy the publishers is just 'disturbing' the customers more than it helps them in the long run... I am going to be very cautious w/Destiny being that the last 2 Halos 'didn't go over that well w/me' .
Worst trend in gaming.
Odds are if there are any exclusives it will just be for guns or a couple pieces of armor, maybe some emblems. Cosmetic stuff, nothing major.
I think there's exclusive posters at GameStop, Target and Walmart. GameStop's is the front cover with the fallen poster on the backside and Target's and Walmart's is a poster of each class. I suppose that you choose only one class's poster, since I haven't preordered yet. I'm waiting to see if it has coop and a good rating.
They should keep it simple with like a armor or gun, and then as time passes make more weapons armor, maybe even new planets. That would be really cool, id like to see some new spaceship parts or something like that.
There isn't an official statement saying there is so far, but I wouldn't put it past them considering their track record. And since they will probably make more money from Destiny it will probably be something amazing. If not with the first game in the lineup then the second.
It will probably happen.
Well they can take two routes: Exclusive armor/weapons/ships/etc. which I don't really care for, OR Exclusive areas/levels and earlier DLC (like how COD gives DLC's to the Xbox a month before PS3 gets it), which would really be unfair as it would give PS3/4 players the better Destiny experience, in which they would have experienced the storyline/new content before Xboxers. Like seeing your big brother get a cool new bike, and he gives it to you after getting a new car, y'know? I'm getting Destiny for the PS4 anyway, but I don't want the Destiny experience to be something just PS-ers get to enjoy first, especially since Destiny is story-driven experience.
I hope not.
Well we already know that there will be exclusive DLC for Playstation 4 users. I don't doubt that each retailer will also have exclusive content. I only hope that it's all cosmetic.
Halo 4 pre-ordering crap was confusing enough, one universal one would be fine.
I hope that instead of dlc, they give us something tangible. In game content is fine, but you end up forking out extra cash for digital content that is typically aimed at online users and can usually only be used when online. Something to identify B.net users would be cool too, like the Blue Flames at the end of Bungie's tenure on Reach [I'm still rocking my Bungie name plate and Blue flames!]
it's probably going to be cool weapons, armor and clothes such as the cloaks for the hunters!
only if it's like a skin or something small. But still yes for the second one
only if it's something very insignificant. the main reason I didnt buy Mass Effect 3 was because of how bioware CUT a part of the game and sold it off as DLC. that means, instead of working on the game itself, time was spent on DLC, which could have been spent making the game better. whatever time spent on DLC is time NOT spent on the game, and used as a cash grab. Borderlands 2 was how to do it right: you had a preorder bonus to get a DLC character "When it's done", which means they weren't working on it during development of the game, and time isnt spent taken away from working on the actual game itself, but instead, working on it AFTER the game is done. The only thing that I consider tolerable would be like a gun skin or something of that sort, because after a good time into development, the art team has nothing left to do but make textures or just sit around doing nothing. if it's just a skin, that's fine, time wasnt taken away from working on the actual game, but if it's something like an exclusive mission, or a building you can only access through preorders, then no thank you, that was made during development and should have been in the game in the first place.
yes and yes