In the spirit of keeping an open dialogue between the community and our Web Team overlords, I'd like to just give them some of my initial impressions. Share your opinions in the comments.
[u]Preview Button:[/u] Hells Yeah! I'm VERY glad that this feature has returned. I write a long post fairly often, and it would be nice to see a preview of it before I post it. Good job.
[u]Homepage:[/u] It looks good, but it just seems to be a bit too... "long" for my window. It's just barely so, and can be kind of annoying. Not a huge deal, seeing as not much time is spent on the home page anyways, just kind of noting it.
[u]New Menu Bar:[/u] I'm going to be honest, I can't stand it. It gives the site a really clunky feeling reminiscent of an early 2000's computer with too many toolbars installed. It worked perfectly fine and was very sleek the way it was before. I'd say revert it or give us the option to change it back to the old style in our display options. I'd also like the option to turn off the giant preorder button. I'm going to buy the game, so their's no need for me to personally see it. Please?
I've also noticed a glitch where I can't seem to see the badge representing the number of years when you click on someone's name. Oddly enough it worked when I clicked on DeeJ's name though. (Edit: This seems to have worked itself out.)
Something else (for the future) that I'd like to see is being able to turn off the "Share" button. I never use it, and the only thing it does is auto expand when I run over it, which is VERY annoying since it doesn't like to un-expand for some reason. So yeah... let me kill it with fire please. Thanks for listening.
EDIT: One more thing I forgot to mention. I'm using the Dark Theme, and my profile page is now a odd lighter shade of what it was. It makes it hard to read what is there. Hopefully this is unintentional and will be fixed.
Navbar 2.0 needs to be opaque. It looks so good as a double-in-size original bar at the top of the page, and then when i scroll it gets all stupid.