Am I the only one who has a boatload of problems dealing with Handymen? This is only the second one I've faced in the game (I'm on the part right after the Vox Populi betray me and I get Undertow) and between it and the supporting Vox Populi that seem to infinitely spawn, I just can't get a break.
The game and its "helpful" hints keep telling me to shoot it in the heart for massive damage, but that doesn't help when I have about 3 seconds to lower its health bar by a sixteenth before it's mauling me up close. Its mobillity and its power up close just really doesn't give a lot of room for counterplay. I've tried using the Skylines to escape to the other side of the map (very quickly of course, I know that he can electrify that shit) to perhaps regroup and prepare to whittle him down some more, but that doesn't help when he jumps across half the map in half a second right on your head, there's literally no time to snipe if you try to keep your distance and position yourself properly.
What am I missing? There's got to be something. It's a thematically cool enemy, but otherwise it just seems very poorly designed as a miniboss character.
jump on skyline jump far away shoot at it as much as you can jump on skyline jump far away shoot at it as much as you can rinse repeat. Thats how i did it during my hardcore playthrough, barely died at all. Now the siren on the other hand, that bitch is so bloody hard to take down without dying.