I've got this Ibanez AG 75 that i've been playing for years. It's actually my first guitar. For the longest time i never really played electric so i just used acoustic strings on it (used to be just bronze, just switched to phosphor/bronze last time i restrung it). But now i've got a really nice acoustic and a good amp, so the Ibanez is becoming more of my electric guitar.
Should i switch to electric guitar strings, or on the AG75 does it not matter? Like i said, i mostly play acoustic so i don't know much about pickups, but from what i understand some respond better to Nickel strings. Does anyone know if the AG75 is made for bronze strings, or should i switch to Nickel for electric stuff?
Id go with DR Tite-Fit. Good for all around stuff. But dont take my word for it...im a bass player. But i always get DR