Woo! :D
How did you die?
I was hit by a speeding bullet! And superman wasn't there to save me!
SPIDERMAN WASN'T THERE TO SAVE ME EITHER!! Apparently his spidey senses were not tingling.
That arachnid bastard!
Let's kill Superman and Spiderman :D
Welp, Spiderman got dealt with a while ago though :p But we can still get superman! :D
Yes!! Let's go!! NOW
WOO! Wait....with what?
What is the plan?
Ummm, we [i]punch[/i] em'! A [i][u][b]LOT[/b][/u][/i]
That won't work.. We need to set him on fire :D
And then....[i]more[/i] on fire! :D
Then drown him ? :D
YEAH! Then throw him into space with a big ol' slingshot! :D
YES, then force him to eat his least favourite food!! :D
While telling him his hair is bad! :D
And he sucks, and push his face in the food. :D
Yeah! And then, tell him he can't ever eat his favorite food! :D
And he will lose his muscles and become anorexic and we will feed him grass forever. :D
Woo! Then after he is really sad, we'll bonk him on the head! :D
This is a really great plan :D
Foolproof! :D (Also have to sleep as 6:11 in morning :P)