[spoiler]Read the article first you fucks.[/spoiler]
If you know anything about capitalism, it revolves around the theory of selfishness and extreme individualism. Communism is just the opposite.
But on a serious note (no, this thread is not about capitalism vs communism), I only wish that evolution was a little faster so we can weed out all the assholes from the rest of humanity, so that we can all live happy together without any wars or school ground bullies to hurt people.
The only bad news to this is that some people reading this are going to have different ideas and misinterpretations about cooperation and kindness. Not to go too off topic here, but I mean that anti-civil rights activists are only going to strengthen their stance on bashing gays and other minorities because they're deluded enough to think they themselves are nice and cooperative people. And they're clearly not.
Also since I'm using BBC, here is an obligatory inb4lonepaul
I don't know if communism is what you mean. Looking out for one another is a far cry from total equal distribution. There needs to be a balance. Undesirable traits must be weeded out, or the gene pool as a whole is weaker. That said, there needs to be a group for there to be a gene pool. If there is an ideal socioeconomic system, it would be a Democratic Socialist-Capitalist hybrid. There has to be failure to weed out the weak, but there has to be a system to take care of the group as a whole. Communism just makes everyone equal, regardless of strength/weakness.