What is the most severe injury you've received in your life?
Mine happened when I was a toddler, something or other ripped through the lower part of my mouth and my mother had to sew it up. Now I have two nifty lil' scars on my bottom lip :D
What severe physical (or even mental) injuries have you attained in your life! I'd really love to know!
(I live in a pretty nice neoghborhood so remember that) It was Halloween. (I was in third grade) I was at the block party before trick or treating started. Me and a friend were screwong around, pulling each other around in a wagon (in a neighbours driveway. He accidentally let go. I was rolling and hit a bumb where some rocks were where there's a little drop going into their back yard. Wagon flipped and I went flying. I hit my head on said rocks. Lots of blood. Lots of yelling. A lady that's a nurse was the first one to actually like really do something (stop the bleeding I guess, details are fuzzy) Sometime later I was like stable of whatever and I think I actually walked to another neighbors house (who is a doctor) and he went to the hospital and got some stitches and came backand put the stitches in in his kitchen. It was pretty cool. Especially since I still got to go trick or treating. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to go wearing my then bloodied mad scientist costume. Because that would have been -blam!-img awesome. REAL BLOOD AS PART OF MY MAD SCIEMTIST COSTUME!!! WHY COULDNT IT HAVE HAPPENED???