I swear, every time I see one, they're bitching about how X is ruining America and how back in the golden old days that didn't exist, shit like that didn't happen.
Edited by Xplode441: 8/5/2013 4:27:18 AM
Started a new topic: Why are liberals so obsessed with other people's penises?(2 Replies))
They conserve their anger.
At least they don't scream your ears off.
Because you people are destroying our way of life.
Oh goddamit. Its the girth times length divided by the yaw of the hang squared. That's how you find your adjusted TMI. [i]LIBERALS[/i] believe its just length divided by the yaw.
Most conservatives (like well...Fox News for example) are just voicing their opinions (even though you probably disagree with them), but the way they go about saying their opinions gets them all mad and rustled. I'm a conservative myself, but I try not to get mad at stuff I don't agree with. I would just like to voice my opinion and that's all.
Black people are ruining America and back in the golden days, Obama didn't exist.
Liberals are just as angry and incompetent.
maybe try to understand why?
They can't handle the fact that the world is not the same as it was in 1950.
Edited by Quantum: 8/5/2013 4:01:27 AM[quote] golden old days[/quote] This one bugs me the most. "Murica was better when I was your age!!@@" What, the time of direct legislative racism, the Democratic party holding the House for 30 years, and far greater amounts of economic regulation (in other words, s0cialism!!!) ?! (Which is also nothing like what they propose in their current political philosophy). Its doublethink. People with rose tinted glasses everywhere...
Obama is ruining America and back in the Golden Days, that didn't exist
Because they don't like being told they can't control who gets married or who has an abortion, even though they support "small" or "limited" government that stays out of the lives of private citizens. Cognitive dissonance.
Beat by their daddy who didnt love them as a child.