[quote]*500K subs
*135M total views on JUST his main channel
*most popular Atheist on the internet
*represented Atheism on national television
*is a degenerate
*puts bananas and hot oil in his butt... ON CAM FOR THE WORLD TO SEE[/quote]
>Atheism: 0
>Every OTHER religion: 9000
Edited by Banned Man 3000: 8/7/2013 10:31:20 AMFace of islam: [url=http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/images/9-11%20attacks.jpg]Here[/url] Face of Christianity: [url=http://lonelyconservative.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Westboro-Baptist-Church-Freaks.jpg]Here[/url] Face of pastafarians: [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_mkTGYy8Ak6s/TGQmr6nylfI/AAAAAAAAAI4/PyK2WF1gPyg/s640/spaghetti+man.JPG]Here[/url] Face of atheism: [url=http://assets.natgeotv.com/Photos/04/10635.jpg]Here[/url] Damn near everyone in this subthread commented about the Hitler thing. Which means they where perfectly okay with the islam picture and the chrisitian picture. The purpose of this has been accomplished. They only hate bigotry when it's directed towards them and not others. Also hint, I'm an atheist and I know Hitler wasn't an atheist